My Ds is 8.5months old and quite active.He has been crawling from 6months,standing from 7months and walks with a baby push walker,so he does wear himself pretty easy.
He normally has naps at 9.45-10am until 11,11.15am and then at 1.30/2pm-3.30/4pm.These times are goodnow,my problem is my DD starts back school in one week and I have to pick her up at 3pm.It will be OK for the 2 weeks at picking her up at 3pm as DH is home so he can stay with him,but in 4 weeks I am going to Australia for 3 months and Dd is enrolled in pre-school there which is one week 3 days the other week 2 days and they all finish at 3pm,and DH isn't coming with us at the start and then we he is there I can rely on him as he has other commitments.
So I am hopeing I will be able to get him to one sleep and going down earlier then 1.30/2pm for his sleep.
Today he didn't go down until 10.30am so should I try and keep it at this time and for the next 3 weeks and then we go to Australia he will be waking earlier then his wake up time here,so i might be able to keep on extending his time to one sleep a day.
He will be 9.5months when we go there,is that still to young for one sleep a day?
It is a real concern for me on what to do on his sleep time?
This is his routine now,and if anyone has any advice on what I should or can do i would really Appreciate it,as would love to no what I am doing with him before i land.
7am awake&bottle
7.30pm breakfast
9.45/10.00-11.15 sleep(except today)
12noon lunch
1pm bottle
1.30-33.30pm sleep
4pm snack
6pm tea
7-8pm bottle and bed(this time all depends on how much he has during the day)
Again any advice i really appreciate it.