Author Topic: Are these phantom cries......?  (Read 943 times)

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Offline spudly

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Are these phantom cries......?
« on: September 03, 2006, 16:50:01 pm »
Our little boy is 6½ weeks old and sleeps from around 12.30am (last bottle feed around 11.30pm) to 8am.  However, from approx 5.30am to 6.30am he lets out intermitent cries as follows; cries for around 10 secs, quiet for 5-10mins, cries for 10 secs, quiet for 5-10mins etc etc.  Sometimes these only last 10 mins, sometimes they can last up to the hour.  Whenever I go to check on him after he has started crying, he has stopped crying and appears to be fast asleep.  I have therefore left him without waking him - I have assumed that they are phantom cries. 

Do you think they are phantom cries?
Should I be waking him?
At what stage does he grow out of them (if at all?!)?

Any advice would be much appreciated. 

He's 10lb 8oz, 6½ weeks and has a staggering 900ml milk a day over 5 feeds.  I know it sounds a lot, but our Health Visitor says if he wants it, give it to him!  He's actually had over 1,000ml the last 2 days which I am putting down to a growth spurt.....?!

Many thanks


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Re: Are these phantom cries......?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 19:49:46 pm »
Firstly Welcome Spudly, you will find lots of support, advice and fun here.

I don't really know what to say but if it was me, because he isn't in any distress and appears to be asleep when you go to him i would say just leave him. Obviously if he wakes up properly and is crying you should to go to him and tend to his needs.

My DS is 10months and crys out in his sleep sometimes but he is just dreaming and isnt in any distress so we don't even attempt to go to him.

I hope that helps, hopefully you will get some better advice for the other lovely mummys and daddys on the site, I look forward to seeing you around.


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Re: Are these phantom cries......?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 20:34:09 pm »
Ditto to Steph. He's probably just dreaming or what not. My DS is also a noisy sleeper and talks in his sleep a lot, like his father.  ::)  ;)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Re: Are these phantom cries......?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2006, 13:01:22 pm »
Hi Spudly,
This happened to my DS when she was around that age. It would appear that she is crying in her sleep, but her eyes are shut. When I attempted to pick her up, this will cause her to be awake. As this only happened at nap times, I tried the shush-pat.

This eventually stopped when she was around 12-13 weeks. I know it is very distressing to hear these cries. But maybe it is just their way of letting it out.

Take care.

Offline TJ & Stephy's Mommy

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Re: Are these phantom cries......?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2006, 22:03:16 pm »
Hey Spudly,
My DS is 8 months old and is still making those nighttime cries  :P  I believe the cries are called mantra cries, where's he's either talking in his sleep or crying whiles he's sleeping to help him get into the next sleep cycle.  LO is not in any pain or distress.  I always leave DS alone and he will stop making the cries after 5 minutes or upto an hour later  ::)  I'm still waiting for DS to grow out of these cries.  It is hard to listen to but these types of cries are ok.  I only go to DS when he is actually crying.