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Offline cmckenna

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Worse then ever!!!
« on: September 16, 2006, 14:07:22 pm »

I have posted before but things are worse then ever at night.  My 5.5 month old is waking every 2 hours and won't settle herself.  I am using patt/sush to get her back down but in many cases she seems hungry.  She is exclusively BF and is in the 85th percentile for weight.  Last night I ended up feeding her 4 times.  I don't even think I had any milk left.  Is she using me as a prop?  How do I know which feeds to eliminate.  She ate so much last night that she wasn't hungry this morning.  I wanted to avoid formula but am considering toping her up before bed.  also, I have a toddler at home in the day so she is not eating a ton because she is too preoccupied with her sister.  Even when she is in a room alone, she is not eating well because she is always looking at the door waiting for someone to come in and play with her.  EEEhhhh!!!!  I would do anything for a good 4hr stretch of sleep.  It has been at least 2 months...

Here is her schedule:

E 7:30am wake and BF
S 9:30 (1 to 1.5 hrs)

E 11:30am
S 1:00 (2 hrs from her last nap - 12:30 or 1:00)

E 3:30
S 5:00 (45min nap)

E 7:00 - Bedtime Routine
S 7:30 (bedtime anywhere from 7 to 8 depending on last nap)

Night wakings - 10:30, 12:00 or 1:00, 3:30, then 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30.  Fed last night at 10:30, 12:00, 3:30 and 5:30 because I couldn't get down without feeding.

How old is your child? 5.5 months
What’s his/her daily routine? See above
What’s nap routine?  2 - 1 to 2 hr naps and 1 - 45 min nap
How long are naps?
What's bedtime routine? Time?  7:00 bath, book, feed
Do you bottle or breastfed?? EBF but starting solids this week
How much? or how long? Quick in the day - 5mins max, evening 20mins per feed.
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed)  Both sides
How many wakes per night? A ton - between 4 and 8
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up?  Crying, if fed will eat and go right back, if not might sleep for 15 - 20 mins and then wake up again.

When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?  Rolling over is usually the cause of her wake ups and she is screaming

What have you tried to settle??  Patt/sush - works in a few cases
What do you do for A time and how long is it? 2 hrs of A time

Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones?  Not sure about teething -

Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months)

Do they have a prop? If so what is it? No

Do they have a lovie? A small blankie - not sure she really needs it though!

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Re: Worse then ever!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 19:10:01 pm »
Sounds like she has gotten used to eating at night, and now thinks that nighttime is eating time rather than day. Can you recreate the night quiet and dark during the day? I'm sure that won't be easy with another LO, but it sounds like she's very easily distracted.
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o