Today is day four of paci be gone. We finally got rid of it because Alex is 6 mo and was waking up 3 to 5 times a night and not able to fall asleep on his own. From day one, he has been able to sleep from 7 pm to between 5 and 6 am when I BF him.
Naps are not going so well. Before he would take a 45/60/90 minute naps about every hour and a half. I know that I need to stretch his A time but dealing with the night wakings/paci needed to come first.
Now he is fussy at 45 minutes after getting up in the morning so I put hims down (I don't want to listen to anymore crying) to have a lousy 30 minute nap. I use to extend his naps with his paci.... For the second, third nap he is fussy almost immediatley after I get him up but does not go back to sleep for a looong time. I don't want him to stay in his crib all day =(
Has anyone else experienced this? Should I just go with the flow for a while and he will sort himself out? Or should I keep him up, extending his A time and that will solve the problem. I really don't want to do this in fear of more tears.