My DS is 6.5 months. He puts himself to sleep for his 2 naps, but can't for bedtime. At naptimes, I go into his room, close the blinds, turn on the fan, sing one song, and into his crib he goes. I just leave. He rolls around, sometimes complains for a bit, and goes to sleep. At bedtime, I do the same thing, and I do leave, but I end up going back very soon as he really cries. What happens is I shh/pat him to sleep (I know this is wrong, but I don't know what else to do). He is fine before we go into his room, but gets very worked up in his crib. I don't pick him up, just hold him on his side and shh and pat/rock him in the crib. If I stop before he is almost asleep, he immediately starts crying again. I think I am becoming a prop, but how come I'm a prop at bedtime but not at naps? What can I do about it?
Here is our routine if it is needed:
7:30 BF
8:30 Solids
10:30-11:30 Nap
11:30 BF
1:30 Solids
2:30-4:00 Nap
6:45 BF, change, etc.
7:15 Into Bed, I leave, but go back
7:40 Asleep (we hope)