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Offline CJF

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sick and not eating
« on: October 10, 2006, 20:00:12 pm »
 my little guy is sick with a cold and he is not eating.  :'( yesterday he ate 12 oz for the whole day and then after LOTS & LOTS of wake ups and SCREAMING!!!! he finally took another 6 oz during the night.  then this morning he ate about 6 oz for breakfast and only 2 1/2 for lunch.  does anyone have any tips on how i can get him to eat a little more during the day today?  or do i just have to ride this out? 
i can't believe how crappy i feel today with no sleep, being sick myself and running after my 2 year old. :o :o :o
last night was the WORST night i have ever had with either one of the kids, even when they were newborns.  i am just worried we are going to have another night of this.  i think last night he just plain felt sick, but also hungry, however too ill to eat.  :(
what have you faced and done during a lo's cold?

when my dd was a baby she only had a couple colds and they were when she was 2 weeks old and then when she was almost 1 so this whole cold thing and screaming all night is new to me or maybe this is how my ds is going to handle colds. ::) :o ::)
thanks for letting me vent, too
Mommy to :
Emily 4/14/04
Joey 4/20/06


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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 20:04:29 pm »
Is your baby congested? When lo had a cold, we found the "breatheasy" bathwash by Johsons to be great. I also would rub some Vicks Baby vaporub on his chest before bed. I think if they are finding it hard to breathe it can be so uncomfortable to suck at the same time. Hugs and hope your lo feels better soon and that you get some sleep! I am sure lots of people will be on here with great advice.

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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2006, 20:08:07 pm »
yes, he is congested AND also very runny.  he also had a slight fever, too but nothing today.  i forgot about the bath stuff.  we will have to try that for bath tonight. 
i feel like such a first time mom with my 2nd lo. ::) :: :-[ ::)
Mommy to :
Emily 4/14/04
Joey 4/20/06

Offline franchick

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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2006, 20:22:00 pm »

We always have a terrible time when Katie has a cold - sometimes up to 11 or 12 night wakings... sorry, this isn't helping much.

Anyway, yes bath time breathe easy stuff, vaporub, karvol vaporiser, humidifier if you can get one - all these things help. Also, raising mattress a bit (pillow underneath mattress). Plus, calpol / paracetamol to help take away the aches and pains everyone gets with a cold.

Re the not eating - Katie currently has a chest infection and hardly ate a thing for about 3 or 4 days, but we worry far less about this than we used to as she generally stops eating and cuts her milk way back when she is teething / has a cold / fever / infection / anything really! I got some great advice from my doc and HV about this which out my mind at rest - if your LO is on solids, the docs don't worry too much until they haven't eaten a THING for a week. As for dehydration - look out for DRY nappies - dry nappies for 24 hours or more are a sign to get to the ER pronto for some fluids. Really, I think these two things are extremes - I remember one day worrying so much because Katie had only had 2 ozs all day, but she still had slightly damp nappies. Just get some / any fluids into your LO - whatever they will drink.

So, don't worry too much re milk intake - try water and very weak juice if you give your LO this - I remember Katie settling very well for the night with a cold after a bottle of weak juice because she just would not have milk - the fluid is as important as anything when they are ill. (obviously, juice not recommended for dental reasons, but you do what you have to do when they are ill).

Big, big ((((HUGS)))) and here's hoping tonight isn't as bad as last night - I usually find the first night bad, the second not as bad, the third tolerable and the fourth fine.

[hey this is quite funny that I am giving this advice, really, because I just posted the other day asking for ideas for food for an ill toddler - hope this is not too hypocritical of me!]


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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2006, 20:26:57 pm »
Hugs, sorry you are going through such a rough time Carolyn.

In the UK we have vapour drops that you can put on your lo's bedding, and this helps them breathe a lot easier.  Do you have anything similar?

I am attaching a link, just so you can have a look at what I am taking about.

Sending you lots of sleep and get well soon vibes


Paula x
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2006, 20:28:20 pm »
I am by no means an expert, so I don't know if this will help...

Is he on a 4 hour EASY?  Are you trying to keep the routine?  You mentioned feeding him at breakfast, then again at lunch.  I would try to feed him much more often than he is used to.  I know that when I am sick I never want full meals, just small snacks all day.

Maybe try feeding him every 2-3 hours?  They will probably be small feeds, but he may end up taking more and then not wake up so hungry at night.

I hope your little guy gets better soon, and I hope others will be able to help you a little better!
Good luck!
Meghan, Mommie to Baby Kaitlyn

Offline CJF

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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2006, 20:50:35 pm »
thanks everyone for the quick responses!
joey is on a 4 hour easy and for today we are off track, but i am not worring about that right now.  he ate about 6 oz for breakfast which ended up being about 9 am and then at 1pm he had 2 1/2 oz and then i tried to give him a bottle at 3pm (i thought the same about trying smaller bottles in shorter time frames) and he refused!!  so i will keep trying to offer his bottle as the day goes on and hopefully he will take a good feeding or equivalent of soon.  he is on solids, but we just started so i am not sure if that will sustain him.  i skipped his cereal this morning and then he usually gets vegies for dinner (haven't started fruit yet)...maybe i will give hime some veggies and cereal for dinner and try to fill up that tummy.  i haven't given him just plain water either yet...not sure if he will take any now that he is sick since he never had any yet.  plus he likes his bottles WARM so i am guessing that cool water won't work, but i guess you never know if you don't try.
i will also keep an eye on his wet diapers.  no poops today, but he did have a few wet diapers...they weren't as wet as usual but he did make some pee.  i should worry when there is NO pee right? it's ok that his diapers aren't AS wet as they usually are?
thank ladies!!
Mommy to :
Emily 4/14/04
Joey 4/20/06

Offline franchick

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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2006, 20:55:48 pm »
Yeah, don't worry if the nappies aren't as wet as usual - as long as they are a bit wet.

You could try warm pre-boiled water if you like - but you are right, he might not like it if you haven't tried it yet, but you never know - nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Katie (16 months) still likes her milk warmed, but she will drink it cold if she has to!

Take care and ((((hugs))))


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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2006, 21:50:54 pm »
My nurse told me a great trick for checking for dehydration. Press down on the nails, which are usually pink, and they will turn white. If they don't turn back to their original color as soon as you stop pressing, your lo is getting dehydrated. hth

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Re: sick and not eating
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2006, 19:42:26 pm »
DS had the cold recently, although I can't elevate his mattress anymore to help clear his nose - I did by a plug-in methol vaporiser from my local chemist and it did wonders.  It is like a mosquito plug in with a menthol tablet.

Also bowls of water in the bedroom is also another tip.  If you are onto solids yet, can you offer soup or anything?
Lauren x