Age 8.5 mos -
5 am BF
7 am wake
8 am solids breakfast
9 am BF
9:30 am nap
12 solids lunch
1 BF
1:30 nap
3 pm snack either BF from one side or some fruit and cherrios but doesn't usually want both
5 pm solids dinner
6 pm BF
12 am BF
My LO nurses well, but only has a few bites of whatever I offer at the most, she has never finished a jar of baby food, and is completely off the pureed foods now. Though an uninthusiastic eater at best, she eats polenta, fruit, steamed veggies with butter, whole wheat noodles, yogurt, sometimes cheese, and bits of meat here and there. She loves cherrios and avocado the most. Don't know if this was the age range you were after or not, but figured it'd be helpful later on. And would maybe give you some insite into how much they will continue to nurse even after the every 2 -3 hour schedule fades into every 4-5 hours.
Even so, we'll nurse until she self weans (at least that's the plan for now.) Good luck. Happy nursing!!