8 or 9 oz bottles? my gosh, I just dont know. My son was like that at that age but my daughter - oh my goodness, Im lucky if she is regularily takes the same amount, which can be anywhere from 2-6 oz per feed. Our EASY is all over the place right now (she's 13wks). At first we though 3.5 and then she would refuse feeds so we moved to 4 hour but her awake times just werent there.....so now its more of a 3.25 - 3.5 (sleep/eat) schedule......guh!
I guess though she's going through some developmental things, rolling over (she did yesterday!) and doing really well in the strength department and talking so much. I suppose like my son once in a 4 hour easy things will settle and she'll be ok. I just know that starting solids too early with my little girl will cause her to eat less formula - which she's not eating in large amounts anyway. I got off topic didnt I? well anyway, I would only dream that my daughter could eat 8 oz in one sitting.. lol