i would try doing a 2.5 hour EASY for a bit and see if that helps. like you said, she may be crying from hunger and she won't be able to nap if she's hungry.
she really should only be up about an hour at a time - including eating, diaper change, playing and winddown. So if she takes 45 minutes to eat, then i'd change her diaper, swaddle her and put her down.
that suddenly be wide awake when you lay her down is probably because she's overtired. i don't know why they do that.
for the next week or two, try this
E: 7
S: 8-9:30
E: 9:30
S: 10:30-12
E: 12
S: 1-2:30
E: 2:30
S: 3:30-5
E: 5 - maybe do bath too
S: 6-7:30
E: 7:30 - this would be the cluster feed and right back to bed
E: 10 - DF and right back to bed
Eat whenever she wakes during the night which will probably be at least twice.
then at about 7 or 8 weeks, try moving to eating every 3 hours. if she starts eating less at each feeding before then, that means she's ready to eat every 3 hours and then we'll adjust her routine to 3 hour EASY.
does that make sense?