Well, I'm back and surprised at the many differences between us all. I am currently nursing once in the night (around 3:30) in addition to the dream feed between 10:30 and 11:00.
I'll be going back to work next week so my husband and I really wanted the "sleep issue" to be worked out before these nights really start to take their toll on the both of us. Until now I've been able to take a nap during the day if I needed it, but that will no longer be the case.
After assurances from our pediatrician that our 4 month old is probably not waking due to hunger, we have decided to continue the dream feeding, but cut out feeding when he wakes up crying in the middle of the night. This means he'll go about seven hours from feeding to feeding. I know in my head that he will be fine, but I have to admit that I cried at the thought of giving up night nursing. For some reason I can comfort him to sleep at the beginning even if it takes half an hour, but in the middle of the night is another story entirely. Maybe its because I'm so tired, but I just can't stand letting him cry in the middle of the night. Especially when I know that if I pick him up and nurse him we'll both be back in our respective beds within 15 minutes.
Anybody else feel this way? :cry: