Author Topic: What's best sterilising method travelling abroad (including long haul flight)?  (Read 5415 times)

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Offline Cerys' mum

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  • Our darling Cerys Emily
  • Location: Shetland Islands, UK
Hi CharlotteWoo, so you flew during height of resrictions? I haven't called British Airways yet, but was wondering if bringing cartons of formula would be okay.... but sounds as if it is okay with your experience. I've bought presterlized bottles for the days we will be flying and travelling. When I can, I'll bring prefilled bottles of water and formula measured in the little advent pots. Do you know if it's okay to use bottled water???? When you were staying at the hotels, were you able to boil water? or have the hotel do it? We'll only be in hotels on the first two nights and last night of our trip, so can use pre-sterilized bottles for then.

Glad your LO did so well on the flight. That's encouraging. Our Cerys will be 6 months at time of the trip, but think she'll do pretty well. It's a night flight too, so should sleep most of the time.

thanks!  :)

Offline CharlotteWoo

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Hey Cerys' mum
Our intial plan was avent pots of formula, presterlised bottles (just avent ones not disposable) and a litre of boiled water in a evian bottle. But they simply wouldn't let us take the water through, not even if tasted. So we ended up buying pre-made formula airside which was fine. We then just used it with the bottles as needed.

We then sterilised the bottles with milton tablets in the hotel. They all had kettles so that was fine. For the next leg there were no restrictions so we went back to plan a) and simply took the bottles with water onto the plane and then added formula. As far as I know the restrictions are only out of the UK and the US. You'll have tocheck about Canada.

I hope that helps.
