Isaac's schedule is pretty much similar to yours. We are getting closer to one nap, so he now takes a 30-45 minute nap at 9am and a 2hr nap at 1pm. and sleeps 11.5 hours at night. He averages around 14hrs of sleep in 24hrs, sometimes 15. It seems like a lot for a 14 month old, but he seems happy with it. As far as activities go, I get bored with it but he seems fine. We get up, have breakfast, then get dressed. He goes into the playpen for 45 minutes while I work out then goes for his nap while I get dressed. Then we go out for the day and run errands, playgroups, or meet up with a friend. We either have lunch out or we get back around 1230 and have it at home. He is normally asleep by 1pm. I wake him by 330 if he hasn't woken himself up yet, and he ussually plays at home then. We normally don't leave the house unless we have to or its the weekend and we are doing something. So he plays with his toys from 330-530. Then we clean up and get ready for dinner, we eat at 6pm, bath at 645, then in bed between 715-730. I would think he would get bored of this routine, since we do it M-F (weekends are a bit different since DH is around, but naps stay the same), but he does great! We rarely have sleep problems or tantrums. Once in a while he will throw one, like today cause I wouldn't give him more then two cookies, but hey who doesn't want a double chocolate cookie!