DD#2 is an angel baby and is on a 3hr EASY. She has only ever woken once in the night around 3-4am and then sleeps until 7am.
We are having problems with the 10pm feed. She wakes up naturally for this feed. My husband gives her a bottle of either EBM or formula. She drinks around 70mls and then comes off (tired) but as she is still doing poops in most nappies, he has been changing her nappy and then she fusses and fusses... sometimes taking a bit more milk but usually just being totally overtired and unable to settle sometimes until 1am!
What can we do? Should we change the nappy first rather than mid-feed (thinking of trying that tonight).
Any tips?
She has had two nappies today without poops so hopefully they are slowing down....
Any advice would be appreciated.
DD#1 19 months and DD#2 4 weeks#
Was not sure where to post this so apologies if in the wrong place!