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No more night bottles/waking up early
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:06:35 am »
I recently posted on here with crazy sleep problems.  Well, they seem to never end, just change up a bit.   ::)

We weaned the habitual night time bottle a few weeks back.  She was sleeping from around 6:30pm-6:30ish am.  We dropped the bottle and she started sleeping about 11 hours total at night. We were fine with that as it was 11 hours with out waking....about 7pm (or earlier) and wake up at about 6am (wish it was later but can't complain).  All of a sudden she started waking earlier and earlier and yesterday it was 4:30am and took 1.25 hours to go back to sleep....fussing, rolling, trying to crawl,etc.  I gave her a sip of water and then she fell asleep 45 minutes later. This morning she woke at 5am, same thing.  I have no problem letting her fuss and roll, but she gets her first bottle at around 6:30 so if she finally does fall back to sleep it is for just a little while as she is then hungry.  I just don't know how to get her to sleep at least until 6am or later.  I would keep her up later in the evening but with her poor naps - 2.5 hours or less every day- she just doesn't make it to 7pm or later (which we are now moving to Washington State -3,000miles West with a 3 hour time difference so we need to figure out how to 10pm-10am so that it will be 7pm-7am....whole other thread). 

Could she be thirsty for water at that time?  I would not want it to be a I hate starting things that I don't want to continue. 
-She has been quiet for the past 15 minutes so I think the water helped this morning.  She only had 4 sips and was done.

How do I fix this? 

She is very SPIRITED, which I am sure makes a difference.

There is no set routine during the day as her day greatly depends on when she woke up in the asleep 2.25 hours later or earlier and sleeps maybe 30 minutes- 1 hour (needs to be more....we have been working on her naps for 7 weeks now and they are still no good).  Then we put her down every 2.25-2.75 hours after she last woke each nap.  So as you can see there really isn't a routine because her naps aren't consisant.  We are trying to extend A time gradually but she just gets soooo tired due to the poor naps so it is hard.
-When she wakes from her naps there is no getting her back down as she wakes up happy (even if still tired)

Feeding times 6:30ish, 10:30ish, 2:30ish, 6:00ish.  We would like her to be in bed at 7pm or later but she doesn't really make it most days. 

Paci....we have 4 of them in her crib....she can find them and put them in herself. She has a kitty (lovey) in her crib. 

Solids since 4.5 moths and she is 7.5 months  Breakfast (veggies) and Dinner (protein, veggies)

Bottle fed....6oz, 8oz, 6oz. 8oz

If you need any other information please let me know.  Thanks.
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline macsmum

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Re: No more night bottles/waking up early
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 11:13:04 am »
I have been in the same position with ds after getting him off the night feed he went back to waking again earlier and earlier till it got to a consistent 4.30 am i tried w2s and everything nothing seemed to be working, i just had to keep retucking him in and giving him a back rub put a little soft music on and he would go back to sleep.
but after about a month of consistently just going in to reassure him he did stop waking up, i figured that he probably thought i might cave in and feed him but i didnt ;D
he sleeps well now (touch wood)
he sometimes wakes at say 6.15am but i can cope with that, i think the trick is to constantly wake them up at the same time each day i always wake ds at 7.15 on the dot if he has made ot that far ;D
you may find that if u consistently wake her at the same time that her naps improve!!!!!!!!! therefor helping her to extend her nap time allowing for a later bedtime? what do u think?
hth emma
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Re: No more night bottles/waking up early
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2006, 11:19:26 am »
Thanks Emma.

I would love to wake her up in the morning, however she never gets to a good wake up time....not sure if that makes sense. I would like her to start her day at 6:30/7am, but she NEVER gets there, always wakes early so I unfortunately can not do that.  I would almost even be OK with waking her at 6am if she made it to that time but she now wakes anywhere from 4:30-5:45 or so.  Argh. 

I yearn for a routine and a consistant start of the day would make a world of difference but I am just not ok with getting her up and going for the day at around 5:30 or 4:30....way too, once we move that will be 1:30am/2:30am as there is going to be a a 3 hour time difference. 

Oh boy. 

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline macsmum

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Re: No more night bottles/waking up early
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2006, 11:35:53 am »

just a thought but when ds wakes at 5.45am like todays :( i take him down and feed him very quick)then put him straight back down and wake him at 7.15 again then start from there but obviously no breakfast bottle just his usual solids, i find it very hard to get him back to sleep when he wakes just b4 6am.
u could feed in the room and treat it like a night feed, i know that has been recommended to others, but i always worry incase he thinks he can do it everynight :(, my ds only ever wakes early on the days after he has been at nursery and that is because he only has 1hr sleep all day so is in bed by 6pm when he gets back.
i know its frustrating cos u never know what time you r gonna be woken :( i now know the days he will wake early and get myself in bed by 9pm the night before so i am ready and willing when he wakes.

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