Author Topic: naps at sitter's but not at home  (Read 1162 times)

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Offline Izzy-B's mommy

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naps at sitter's but not at home
« on: January 04, 2007, 18:53:23 pm »
I'm so frustrated!  When Isabella goes to the babysitters,  she'll nap from 1.5-2.5 hrs, but when she's at home, she won't hardly nap!   She stays in her room for quite a while, but no nap!  I don't get it!  she use to nap better at home and not so good their.. now things are all switched around!      It all happend about 2-3 mths ago when I go rid of her soo-soo (up unti that point I still got 3 hour naps every day from her)

Anyone else have a situation like this?   and if so... any idea's why this happens?   

I miss my daily breaks!   

Offline isaac'smom

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Re: naps at sitter's but not at home
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 18:57:46 pm »

Does she sleep in a crib at the sitters and a big girl bed at home or vice versa?

Do you have the same sort of nap schedule at home as the sitter does?

Hmmmm....just trying to figure out what could be different that's throwing her off. I'll keep thinking.  :)
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Re: naps at sitter's but not at home
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 19:26:07 pm »
My dd who is a week older than yours recently did this to me when I was home with her over the holidays.--granted she also had a cold.  Since I've been back to work this last week she has napped fine for the nanny but I'm not sure what this w/e will bring!  I suspect that there is some major toddler power issues going on with my dd that can happen around this age.  I think I may be contributing to it here because I am a bit more forceful about saying it's naptime while my nanny will say "it's nap time" but then wait until my dd tells her she's ready to go up for nap. From what I've read on this board extra stimulation in the morning and continuing to put them in for quiet time will eventually get them napping again.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!

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Re: naps at sitter's but not at home
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 19:43:46 pm »
my thinkign is that mayeb she tires out more atthe sitters? my ds plays a lot at my mum's so i know he gets really tired!

Offline Izzy-B's mommy

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Re: naps at sitter's but not at home
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 23:51:52 pm »
Thank you ladies..

Isaac's mom (love the name Isaac btw, it's on my list for a boys name ;))
She's in a big bed both at home and at sitter's;  and our schedule's are pretty much the same.  I think she goes down 30mins earlier their than she does at home.. maybe I'll try that  ??? 

Imsmum ~ I think it forsure might have something to do with abit of a power struggle here too.  I think she know's I really want her to nap b/c I really prep her for it.  Maybe I should back off abit and have abit for stimulation in the morning and then more quiet time before her nap.....     
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you this w/e... I hope you lo doesn't start what Isabella is doing b/c it's so frustrating when your tired and want that break  :'(

yaya ~~ I've also thought about this that she tires more at the sitters.  (I talked to the sitter about this and that's what she wondered too)  Maybe when I pick Isabella up tomorrow I'll really find out exactly what she's doing so we can see if we can fix this.

Thanks again ladies.. it was nice to brain storm and get some idea's....

Please say a little nap prayer for me ...     mommy is getting tired,  LOL   ;)

Offline yaya

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Re: naps at sitter's but not at home
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 11:59:05 am »
here comes a nap know how u feel hun!

Offline Izzy-B's mommy

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Re: naps at sitter's but not at home
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 18:50:26 pm »
here comes a nap know how u feel hun!

LOL...  thanks   ;)     
I just thank my lucky stars that at least she sleeps like a log at night!