Hi all,
Feel like i've lost my way a bit and wondered if anyone could give me some advice.
Millie is 5.5 months. She slept brilliantly at night (naps always been tricky, but she was able to have 45mins with her paci) until she was about 16 weeks then it all changed. She became dependent on the paci, waking for it every hour at night and then every 1/2 hr from 4-7am. So i weaned her off it. It was hard but she hasn't had it for over a month now. Nights have got better but still not great, she wakes once (good nights) to 4 times (bad nights!).
Naps are hit and miss whether she can get to sleep herself. Often the morning ones are okay and later in the days gets harder. Big problem is they are no EVEN SHORTER!! She only naps for 30mins exactly. very occassionaly (like once or twice) she's gone longer.
Thing is, she's now happy to go for 3.5-4hrs between feeds but because of the short naps she keeps ending up hungry and tired at the same time and then falling asleep during feeds.
Nothing is helped by her having a cold at the mo, have been giving her night feeds again as she really seems to need them. But once she's better i really need to try and get things sorted as i feel like we're all over the place.
more info:
She's breastfed
bedtime - 7pm ish, she has a bath, pj's on, bottle with song, then burp then bed.
Since weaning the paci she tends to wake once or twice between bedtime at 7 and 10/11pm, usually she'll go back to sleep if i put my hand on her chest and shush, recently we've had a few screamers tho but that may just be the cold.
wakes again anywhere from 3-5am, sometimes i have to feed her and back down. Up for the day anytime between 6-8am
Does anyone have a suggested routine for a short napper so our E & S times don't coincide??
emma x