My lo is 5 mo old and has been a 30-45 min napper for the past month or so. In reading different posts, I've realized that he needs to move to the 4 hr EASY, so we're working on that and I've tried the w2sl for his naps the past two days with good results two out of six times. My question is, today I did w2sl and sh/pat for one of his naps and he went 1hr 50 min which was great. But about 20 minutes after he woke up, he was grumpy and starting to yawn. So, I'm wondering if he needed a 3 hr nap? Do you ever have to do w2sl twice during naps to get them through two sleep cycles? How do you know if they need a 3 hr nap vs a 2 hr nap ..... is it typical for one nap to be 3 hrs and the rest shorter? If they wake up and act tired pretty soon after, should you try to put them back down again? I tried that today and he just cried while I sh/pat and then it was time for his next feed. I'm sure some of these questions are answered in Tracy's 3rd book, but it's going to take me a while to get a copy since none of the local bookstores carry it. Any help/suggestions would be great in the meantime. Thanks!