Hi folks!
I have a DS who is seven months old and he has begun to take longer to fall asleep for his last nap (third nap). He was and still is falling asleep easily on his own for all naps, but recently has begun, not crying but fussing for thirty minutes or so, then falls asleep. Last night, I just went and got him rather than let him lay there fussing for so long. He was a little cranky but otherwise ate fine and went down well for the night. Is this a sign? Is it time to drop the nap and he'll be fussy for a while?
BTW his scehdule:
7:30 wake and breastfeed
8 veggies and rice cereal
8:45 wind down with a book and straight to bed
9 in crib and asleep
11 wake and BF, followed by veggies and fruit and cereal
12:45 same as 8:45
1 in crib and asleep
5ish wind down and now fusses
6:15 veggies, fruit, and cereal
6:45 BF and wind down with a book
7 asleep