Author Topic: have questions, hope you have some suggestions/answers  (Read 800 times)

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Offline augieandjacksmama

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have questions, hope you have some suggestions/answers
« on: January 09, 2007, 02:17:48 am »
I've been reading quite a bit on these boards, and although I am new to posting on them, I am not new to the Baby Whisperer.  I have loved the book since, my first son was born over 3 years ago. 

I have questions concerning naps, but because I know you will ask, here is a recent day for me and my 9 week old son.  This is fairly typical.  I have tried to implement EASY since I brought him home, but have a few questions:

7:30 am Wake up, has breast feeding

9 am tired, rock to sleep, put in crib

9:03 am  wakes up, couldn't get him to fall back asleep

10:30 am (try to feed him a bottle, but won't take it) went to sleep after rocking - put in crib.

11am  Wakes up (I try to get him to go back to sleep, but no luck)

11:30am Eats 2 ounces of bottle (won't eat more)

12pm begins to show signs of tiredness again (yawns a lot)

12:45 Rock to sleep and is out almost instantly, place in crib

1:03pm begins fussing, transitions to wide awake crying

1:25pm  eats about 3 1/2 ounces of bottle

2:05 pm begins his tired fussy routine, he's asleep as I walk him upstairs to his bedroom.  Place in crib.

2:43pm  Wakes up

2:45pm Has Breast feeding

2:50pm Falls asleep eating at breast.  I lay him down in the crib

2:55pm Awake again and not very happy!

4:00pm Breast feeding

4:05pm Falls asleep at breast

4:10pm, Place in crib

4:25pm  Awake

5:30pm  Falls asleep while I am holding him and talking to someone who has knocked on the door.

6:00pm, I awaken him as I set him down so I can eat dinner.

6:45pm  Has warm bath, gets in Jammies

7:10pm  Has breast feeding and 3 ounces of bottle immediately following, while rocking him in his darkened bedroom.  Place in crib and wait.

7:30pm.  Wakes up, gets held and rocked.

7:45pm.  Asleep again for good in his bed.

4:30am  Awakens, breastfeeds 7 minutes, back asleep

7:30am.  Awake again for another day of it all.

I know he is not eating every four hours, but more frequently.  And I often wonder if this impacts his short naps.  I can't get him to nap for longer than 30 minutes.  I can't seem to get him to take those 3 naps a day, 1 to 1 1/2 hours long each that I thought according to the Baby Whisperer, some babies can do at this age.  How do I get him to take longer than 30 minute catnaps or am I being unrealistic?  AT night, I consider him a superstar for sleeping for as long as he does and only waking once.  But during the day, it feels like I am either feeding him or putting him to sleep, and it leaves me with little time for my 3 year old who also needs my attention. 

Are my expectations to high or can I acheive some longer naps and  feedings in which he eats more like 4-6 ounces at a time with greater time intervals between?

Thanks so much for any advice, suggestions!

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Re: have questions, hope you have some suggestions/answers
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2007, 04:20:02 am »
so your combining formula and BFing?  a 9 week old is on a 2.5 or 3 hour routine. 

why do you rock to sleep?  your LO is probably overtired.  it looks like too long of activity time.  most Lo's that age need to start wind down at 1 hour -1 hour 15 min. of awake time.   are you familiar with shh/pat?  also I would read up on Wake to Sleep and try doing that with Lo if he is still waking early.   

I would try to get Lo to Eat every 2.5 hours first then try to extend it to 3 here is a link to the sample routines for 0-3 mo.  you can chose one that you like.  if you have more questions about the routine I would post them in the EASY forum.  Your LO is just at the age that sleep training will start to work really well.  I would pick a routine, read up on shh/pat and wake to sleep, then go from there. 
Melissa - Frugal Living

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Reagan 03/27/2008
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Offline augieandjacksmama

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Re: have questions, hope you have some suggestions/answers
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2007, 16:31:18 pm »
So, he should be going down to sleep after an hour of awake time?  I just want to clarify and make sure I read that right.  I am familiar with shh/pat.  I guess I should be doing that and not rocking him at the same time.  I have read about how after 30 minutes you can try to shh/pat them back to sleep, but it doesn't seem to work for me.  He protests alot.  I try to extend his eating times too, to but I guess I need to do it more gradually.

Yes, I do use bottles and breastfeed.  I use bottles so when I need my husband to look after him, he won't protest the bottle so much!  If I go several days of just breastfeeding only, then when my husband on the weekend trys to feed him - he won't take it.  So, I throw in a bottle or two a day just to remind him of what that's all about.  It's been like that practically since he was born.

I guess I just need to focus more on shh/pat and getting him over the hump of waking up every 30 minutes.  I feel like I'm doing something wrong, because I can never get him to go back to sleep, but I'll keep trying.

Thank you!