Oh I get it now!! Doh!
Well I think good on you atleast he naps, Ellie hasn't for ages
. Toooooo cute how he falls asleep, i guess you will miss that too hey? If Ellie wakes up sometimes she will settle herself but because she's the only one I have the 'luxury' of just passing out on the floor in there, it's the easy option really and often she joins me and it's so sweet, I will miss it when there's a screaming baby to deal with instead.
Er, it doesn't sound like I'm really in a position to be advising you at all does it?!!!!
More like I should be starting my own thread before #2 comes along
Well, atleast you know you're not alone!
It sounds like your bedtime routine must be really good though if he just settles himself, is there anything special about that which you could replicate in the night or naptime?
And Congratulations to you too
- you never know, we may get amazing sleepers/nappers next time around!