Welcome to the BW Boards, and congratulations on the birth of your DS
At this age introducing EASY is more about just following consistency than a routine as such, as your lo is still very young and still adjusting to the outside world.
Yes, if you are looking to start EASY, I would wake your lo when he is due for a feed. This is triaining your lo to take most of his calories during the daytime, so that he will eventually learn to sleep through the night. I would not let him go longer than 3 hours between feeds at this age.
There is no harm introuducing a dummy at this age. Some lo's need the extra sucking reflex, and if your lo is used to suckling to sleep, this may help break that habit. The dummy only becomes a prop, when your lo starts waking in the night looking for the dummy, but you could generally wean him from the dummy before it becomes a prop.
With regards to nappy changes at night - there is no need really to change them unless your DS has soiled his nappy. You want to keep the night feeds as quiet as possible, feeding in a dark room with minimal interaction, so that your lo is sleepy enough to go back to sleep.
For A time during the day after a feed a nappy change is all he will need. As he gets older he will be able to extend his awake time, but for now, all he is going to be doing is eating and sleeping.
Have you tried
Pat / Shhh to help your lo settle to sleep? Do you swaddle?
Also if your lo wakes early from a nap you can always try
Wake to Sleep to help your DS extend his naps.
Here are a few links that may be of some use to you getting you started on EASY
Starting EASY with a NewbornHow to Start your Baby on EASYEASY Log DownloadsHope the above info helps.
Good luck and please keep us posted on how you get on.