Author Topic: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions  (Read 2307 times)

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Offline lgliser

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I have a lot of questions and I sort of think I may be overthinking things too much.  But maybe not too.  It's just that for weeks we have been saying to ourselves, "well we're just experimenting to see what works... we'll figure it out."  Well they are 3 months old now, it seems we should have things figured out by now.  Help!

1. Our triplets have been doing pretty good at nights these days.  The last couple weeks a typical schedule looks like this for them:  (this is early evening). Feed at 7, bed anywhere between 7:30pm and 8:30pm.  This is their 5 hr stretch so they'll wake up around 12 or 1:30am.  Then usually a 3 hr stretch so till 4am.  Then they wake at 6 but don't really seem hungry at all.  They eat only just a little little bit and then go back to sleep for another 2 hour-ish stretch till about 8 when they are ready to get up.  So.  What are they wanting at 6am if they're not hungry, but not ready to get up for the day either?  What should we do at that time?  Just snuggle them a little?  Pat them?  Ignore and see if they fall back to sleep on their own? 

2. I am about halfway through the Baby Whisperer and I am loving it.  So we have been trying the eat/wake/sleep thing for 3 days now and it's working well.  They usually eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hrs... usually closer to 2 1/2 though, which is fine.  I had originally decided that it's fine if they want to nap in their swings, and that was going ok, but then I thought I'd just try the crib naps again and they happen to be doing really well with it.  They sleep longer that way.  However, sometimes they do wake up earlier than their "time" to feed.  And please don't get mad that this sounds like I am not being flexible... they wake up and just want to be awake.  My question here is:  if they wake up early from a nap, do I go ahead and get them up and feed them right away because that's the routine - eat/wake/sleep?  Or do I get them up and just let them be awake, making for a routine of eat/wake/sleep/wake/eat?  Or do I encourage them to stay in their cribs and either entertain themselves or fall back to sleep?  Are they too little to entertain themselves in the crib?

3.  Like I said, they've been napping well in their cribs.  But in the early evening, like 5:40 or 6-ish, if they are seeming tired but it's not really BED time, I sort of have in my head that it might be ok for them to take just a smaller snooze in their swings in the living room, then eat one last meal and be awake for a short time, then bed.  Is this too inconsistant though?  Should ALL naps be in the crib? 

4.  I sort of do cluster feeding starting around 5.  I'll nurse them about every 2 hrs to hopefully build up calories to get them to sleep longer at night.  Does this really work?  Last night we tried a dream feed before we went to bed at 11, hoping that then they might have their 5 hr stretch from 11-4 instead of 7-12.  It didn't work.  :(  lol.  oh well! 

Should I be just more of a "go w/ the flow" mom, or should I try to keep w/ this routine, which I am really liking, and it seems to make for less fussy babies during the day.  Thanks for any any help!

Offline Meggie

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Re: a bunch of questions
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2007, 04:29:37 am »
Wow!  It sounds like you are doing GREAT!  I can't imagine how hard it would be with three LOs.  I will try to answer as much as possible and hopefully other mods will get on and add anything that I missed.

1. Typically between 5 and wake-up time, many babies sleep fitfully.  It has something to do with their sleep patterns, but it happens often.  You might want to try re-settling at 6am if they do not seem hungry.  You can use shh/pat or replace paci (if you are using them).  Are they waking up at the EXACT same time every morning?  If they are, this might be a habitual wake-up and you might want to try W2S (wake to sleep... see the sleep forums for a description) to get them through this time.  I would never suggest that you ignore your babies, but you could listen to them for a bit before rushing to their side.  Try to decide if they are crying out for you, or if it is a mantra cry (a cry they do to help them settle back to sleep on their own).

2. If they wake up happy, then there is no point in trying to get them to sleep.  If they can entertain themselves in their cribs, then you can let them do that, or you can get them up for quiet play until next feed.  Many babies do not fall perfectly into the EASY routine, and have to do EASAEAS... etc. and this is perfectly fine, just so long as you find a routine that works for you.

3. If you post your routine, it would be easier to help you with this one.  Typically the last nap in the day is a "cat-nap" that lasts for 30-45 mins.  It is intended to hold them over till bedtime, which is exactly what you are wanting to use it for.  It is considered a freebie and can be anywhere... so in the swing is just great.

4. Cluster feeding and dreamfeeding work for some LOs, but not for others.  I would not give up on the DF right away, it can take up to a week-2 weeks before you see any results.  If they are drinking every 2 hours, then the cluster feeding is working, this will help them get more calories in the day so they may wake less in the night.  Again, if might take a while until you see results.

I think the BW way is really a balance between a typical "go-with-the-flow" mom and a mother that has their babies on a rigid schedule.  You want to keep structure to your day, but you also need to read your babies cues and respond to their needs.  Keep at what you are doing, it sounds like it is really working for you!
Meghan, Mommie to Baby Kaitlyn

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2007, 08:07:51 am »
Welcome to the boards. I'm the mod who moved your post from the bf board.

My first thought is that you sound very calm and together - more than most mums of only one baby! Congratulations on your babies and have you found our multiples board yet?

If you like the routine and they are responding it to it, I don't see what you need to be more 'go with the flow'. You sound like you've got the main thrust of it all which is that you build the routine around their needs and listen to what they are telling you e.g. if they eat after 2.5 hours then that's not the end of the world and that's certainly the right attitude. A lot of bf mums (I'm assuming you are bf as you started by posting on the bf board) find they start with an EASY of around 2.5 hours.

You could try snuggling/patting at 6am but infact a morning version of cluster feeding is not that uncommon. Do you have the baby whisperer books? You'll see there that Tracy doesn't advocate leaving a baby to cry alone but if they are just playing and not particularly upset you could wait and see if they self-settle. The sleep boards can help you more with this.

If they wake early from a nap and don't seem interested in going back to sleep I wouldn't automatically feed them. I would have a little bit of awake time and feed them around the 2.5 hour mark or when they are showing hunger cues. If they seem happy in their cribs you could leave them but follow your instincts.

With the evening nap I can see why the mini-chair cat nap makes sense. You're sending them the signal that it's not yet the full night's sleep. Not all baby whisperers do all naps in the crib although Tracy felt babies did sleep better there.

Cluster feeding is certainly worth a go - it's good for your supply if anything. Moving that 5 hour stretch isn't always possible. If that was your first experience of a dreamfeed however you mind find it takes a few days to start seeing the effect.

I'd be interested in knowing more about how you are finding breastfeeding going and how you organise your feeding. Do come and visit us on the bf board and share your story. As I say, you sound as though you are doing really well. Nights sound good and you sound so mellow and sensible. Carry on following your instincts!
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Re: a bunch of questions
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2007, 08:09:31 am »
ooh you posted twice - whoops - I should have noticed that before I moved your other post. I'll ask an EASY moderator to lock one of these.

[Admin Edit - Topics Merged for consistency]
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 11:59:27 am by Gareth - Harvey & Theo's Dad »
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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2007, 08:30:40 am »
Wow, I am amazed that you breastfeed you triplets, taht is fantastic! Wel done you, you sound like a wonderful mum!! Hope you get the advice your looking for and will join in on the other boards too!! Unfortunately I have no advice in this area but wanted to welcome you!!  :)

Offline Tamara

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2007, 13:12:16 pm »
Wow, I am amazed that you breastfeed you triplets, taht is fantastic! Wel done you, you sound like a wonderful mum!! Hope you get the advice your looking for and will join in on the other boards too!! Unfortunately I have no advice in this area but wanted to welcome you!!  :)

My sentiments exactly - well done you for BF your triplets.

You do sound very together and very sensible - congratulations on your LOs and welcome to the boards  ;D

Offline lgliser

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2007, 16:39:33 pm »
Thank you all so much!  I appreciate the welcome, the advice, and the encouragement very much!  Yes, I am BF-ing my trio.  Luckily the supply and demand of BF-ing works for me.  I make as much as they want to eat.  A little bit of my story - we tried to have a baby (one - haha) for over 3 years.  We tried everything and finally an IUI w/ injections worked and we got pg w/ THREE!  It was an easy pregnancy till week 20 when I had to have a cerclage and go on bedrest.  Then hospital bedrest till 33 wks and one day when they were born.  I was determined to BF and thankfully our hospital had wonderful lactation support.  We do bottles of pumped breast milk at night so my hubby can help make the feedings go faster and we can get back to bed asap.  It works out wonderfully!  I only just discovered the Baby Whisperer books.  I wish I had found them before giving birth!  All babies are healthy - just one has some reflux, but it's not horrible.
Again, thank you!  And I plan to stick around!  Oh, and yes I posted this on a few different boards here, hoping to get as many replies as possible - I hope that's ok!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 16:41:09 pm by lgliser »


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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2007, 16:49:33 pm »
Welcome to you and your family. I will be so excited to follow your journey of nursing triplets. Way to go!!!!

Offline Tamara

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2007, 11:52:26 am »
Yes - do stick around, would be lovely to have another mum of multiples on here.

Am in awe of your BF the 3 LOs - totally well done you, I bf one and know how demanding that is even!!

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2007, 11:56:35 am »
I just wanted to say hello and how in awe of you I am that you are bf triplets I couldn't even bf one! :D

Offline lgliser

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2007, 16:25:47 pm »
Thank you so much! 
Well I am lucky to have a good milk supply I guess... and I'm lucky to have the help I do!  My mom has been staying with us, and lots of friends to help too.  :)

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Re: Establishing EASY with triplets breastfeeding - a bunch of questions
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2007, 20:17:18 pm »
I don't have any advice for you but I just wanted to say WELCOME!! I have been bfing ONE lo for 14 months, I was impressed with myself (haha) until I read your post! You are inspiring, bfing triplets, hats off to you!!
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