She normally starts to fall asleep while eating so i normally only change her then start to wind down but she fussys like mad, unless i nurse her to sleep, she will wake up as soon as down, unless i hold her for her whole nap, or take her out in the car, i also think she is suffering from bad wind, so i am looking to change her formula, hv is coming 2morrow so i will chat 2 her. today she was awake at 5.30am tried to settle her until 6.30am (only on my chest) fed, changed nappy, tried to put back down, tried unsuccesfully, fed again at 9.45am, slept with little intervention 1.5hr fed again, very little 2.5oz, she was rubbing eyes, changed nappy and changed clothes, tried to get to sleep, tried until 3pm had another small feed 2oz, took out in car, fell asleep for 2hr, fed again 5oz took over 1 hr, short nap in car on way back, tried to get her to sleep took around 1hr is asleep at moment!!!