Hi all, i have a 10 week old text book little boy.
he has been on easy from the beginning and has done well on it. he has always slept well. from 4/5 weeks he slept through the night only waking for a 3/4/5 oclock feed which i am hopeing he will drop soon. over the last couple of weeks his naps have become much shorter and he wakes up crying.
at first he couldnt get hime self to sleep and couldnt stay asleep and there were many missed naps. in the last couple of days i have started pu/pd and i have seen some improvement. he can now get himself to sleep however wakes up after half an hour screaming. i do pu/pd for the next hour every 10 mins or so then he sleeps for the last half hour. i know he can get himself to sleep as he does it on a night and i have really tried to avoid using any props.
as well as doing pu/pd i also put a blind up in his room to make it darker. i have tried to keep all activity downstairs and his room as tranquil and calm as possible and have also made more of a wind down ritual before his naps, swaddling and sitting calmly etc.
his activities consist of a nappy change, then 5 or 10 mins play until i see his sleep cues ( yawning, getting hyper etc) his play is usually letting him kick his legs an the bed or his play mat and laughing at his toys or a shadow or a picture on the wall while i steralise his bottle. should i stay with him throughout this activity period or is his playing on his own ok? also is 5 or 10 minutes too much or not enough for a 10 week old?
any input or advise would be greatly appreciated.
has any one else had this problem and am i missing anything that might help the problem?
my friend advised to let him cry it out and only go in if his crys become desperate but i just cant do this to him i dont want him to feel abandoned