Day 2
Nap time happened with no problem, once again I read stories until he was in snuggle mode & then moved him to the Bed... he woke up & went out to the toy area & the only reason I heard he was awake was a toy being played with.
Bedtime. On time so went through the routine & put him in the bed, I stayed a while until he had stopped moving (dark so can't see him) & then left no problem, 5 mins later he came out... took him back, a few mins later he went to the door, but when I saw him & told him "night night" he went back... eventually after 20mins me needing to give verbal messages of "night night every minute or so" I heard him scratching the door... I was sat outside his room (doing a sudoko) & all went quiet, I left him for another 20mins & checked on him... he'd fallen asleep on the floor just inside the door... tricky manoeuvre to get in to put him to bed.
12.15... he calls out, settled without me, 12.30, cries out (distressed cry) & I discover he has somehow rolled under the cot (not sure how he managed that) & is stuck... sort that out & decide to stay until he falls asleep... by 1am, I'm getting uptight as he just seems to be tossing around, so decide to leave, he seems ok... 1.15, calls out, gets more "urgent" I go to him, settles, repeat about 10mins then 5mins later... at this stage I'm exhausted (hadn't been to bed really) & so decide to put him in the cot... settles ok after an initial protest (big tears) & a long cuddle (me leaning over the side) & some teething gel & Hylands tabs sleeps until 6.15, then plays in the cot until 7am.
This am dh & I decide we will have him start the night in his bed, but if he wakes I will move him to the cot as he seems to settle better there. & once we have the start of the night settled & I don't have a big contract that keeps me up late to work on (- joys of being a SAHM doing casual contract work) We will attack the middle of the night & keeping him in the bed.
Again not bad & not sure of impact of teeth on the wakings or new bed.