I have a 13 mo that has recently substantially refused fluids of any type. Before this started, she was taking 3 bottles a day, about 7-8 oz each. After she turned one, we slowly transitioned her to cow's milk (took about 2-3 weeks due to the gassiness) and also dropped the afternoon bottle for snacks instead (we still offered her milk/water with snack). Then, she started to decrease her morning milk bottle usually if she had woken up in the night and had some milk (gave her watered down milk if she woke up to deter habit). Now, she hardly takes any milk in the morning at all even if she's had nothing overnight and the same for her bedtime bottle. She does drink from a sippy cup also but not as much as in a bottle when she does take it. In a day, she can have as little as 2-3 oz all day!....hardly sufficient for someone her age.
She does not seem dehydrated, has wet diapers, and is otherwise in good spirits. She just refuses to drink a lot of fluids although we've tried offering both milk and water to her at every meal and during the day (she does not like juice). Every once in awhile, she will take fluid if she's really thirsty but usually, it's in the form of the night wakes. However, saying that, she sometimes refuses anything to drink even if she wakes up in the night and still drinks minimally during the day. Obviously, she must get her fluids in her food (ie watermelon, other fruits, cereal, etc) but I still worry that she is not getting enough. I don't find she's eating more in the day now that she has cut down on her milk/fluid intake. What should I do?