Most of the time when she wakes from the nap she is smiling as soon as she sees me... even if she is tired at the 1 hr mark she still only sleeps 45 mins... it doesn't matter how short or long A times are... I will try the dreamfeed, very nervous about it.. I just dont see how she can not be getting enough calories to eat during the day.... Here is a little about our routine..
Do you stick to her routine or is there a lot of variation in her day, you need to go out etc?
- pretty much stick to routine... If she wakes up early or later, change it up according to that. but I work sat and sun night and I am home with her mon-fri.... so I am available to work on naps, etc.
Are you the only one who puts her to sleep or is she in daycare etc?
- I put put her to sleep mainly, my husband puts her down for morning naps and on the weekends my MIL keeps her... NO day care.
What kind of wind-down routine do you have?
- dim bedroom and read books
What kind of sleepy cues does she show?
cranky, rubbing eyes, yawning
Is she swaddled?
Never swaddled, even when newborn, she always sleeps with hands by head unless on side, even on 1st ultrasound she had hands up by head.
Does she have a paci?
She does have paci but not dependent, she spits it out half the time or I take it out when she lays down.. Sometimes she will get mad if you try to put it in her mouth and take it out herself.
White noise?
Humidifier, or ocean sounds in background
Does she sleep in her own room? Is it darkened?
she does sleep in her own room and it is darkened
Is she bottle fed? If so, has she started to drain bottles?
She is bottle fed, 7 oz formula,every 3 hours.... she drains it all plus on cereal 2x day.
I have watched her at naptime to catch the jolts but it doesn't work... She still wakes up and wont go back to sleep.. W2S has worked only once for me... I am wondering...I know that I need to switch her to 4 hr EASY but how would I work out her feeding schedule and cluster feed at night before bed and add cereal....