So we've been consistently practicing the wi/wo method for 3 weeks now, and for the most part it's been successful. 17 month old DS has been sleeping through the night (with rare exceptions now and then), has started sleeping later in the morning, and has been taking 2 hour naps. He's also seemed much happier in general, and the separation anxiety is much less pronounced than it used to be.
But now it seems like we've gotten 'stuck'. By that I mean, I still have to do about 10-15 minutes of wi/wo each night at bedtime and before his nap. I stopped doing an official count, and instead just listen to his cries and only go in if he sounds truly distressed. Some nights it doesn't take much and he goes down easily, but then there are nights like tonight where it took over 20 minutes!
Here are some things to note:
-about 2 nights into doing wi/wo, he started a pretty bad round of teething. his 2nd molar just came through, and a 3rd seems to be ready any day now. He also cut a bottom tooth and its mate on the other side should be coming in the next week or so. Most nights lately I anticipate teething and give him the Hylands Teething Tablets about 30 minutes before bedtime, and hand him his cold teething ring once he gets into bed. Tonight, he did not exhibit any signs of teething (gnawing on his fingers, drooling, etc.), so I don't know what the problem was.
-we went on a short trip to visit grandparents last week and got back on Sunday. He slept great while we were there (he sleeps in the same room with us at their house, in his own crib) and has always transitioned pretty smoothly between there and home.
-when the nanny (who watches him 2 days a week) or DH puts him down, it takes MUCH less time for him to go to sleep; in fact, with the nanny he just goes right down with no fuss!
-since Daylight Savings Time, I've shifted his schedule about 30 minutes forward, and it seems to be working well. Here's how our days have looked for the past week or so:
7:00am wakeup
7:30am breakfast
9:45-10:00 snack
11:30 lunch
12:30-2:30 nap
3:00 snack
5:30 dinner
7:30-8:00 bedtime (I aim for 7:30 asleep, but with the difficulties described above, it ends up being later. BUT, he's perfectly happy after getting 11 hours of sleep at night).
So.....aside from teething, is there something I'm missing? When can I reasonably expect to get to the point where there's NO crying when I leave the room at bedtime? His bedtime winddown routine is so pleasant and one of my favorite parts of the day, and then after 15 minutes or so of crying I'm all tense and ready to go pour myself a glass of wine