Author Topic: not sure what to do  (Read 835 times)

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Offline marijke

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not sure what to do
« on: March 04, 2007, 15:48:31 pm »
My son is 6.5 months old and we started solids 2-3 weeks ago. I had to replace 2 bf with bottles and that's not easy. He doesn't always want the bottle but most of the time he takes around 150 ml. In the morning he gets fruit after the bottle and he likes this very much! But in the afternoon he doesn't want veggies, sometimes eats a few spoons (not sure if he just doesn't like it or he's not hungry because in the morning he had bottle + fruit). I'm worried he doesn't get enough food, because he should take around 800 ml per day. I bf 3 times a day (7-7-22/23). It's all so confusing, but I think my question is should I focus on getting him to take more fluids (bottle of course) or is it ok that he takes less fluids and fruit (1 apple)?


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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 16:11:11 pm »
Could you please write out your schedule with times etc to  make it a little clearer? Thanks so much!

Offline marijke

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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 18:16:05 pm »
Our schedule (not every day the same, sleep is different every day but between 45 mins - 2 h):
7.00           bf
8.30/9.00    sleep (+/- 1 h)
11.00          bottle + fruits
12.30/13.00 sleep (+/- 1 h)
15.00          bottle + veggies
16.00/16.30  sleep (+/- 1/2 h)
18.30          bf
22/23.00      bf

I started working again that's why I can't bf during the day. We give solids right after bottle because otherwise there's no time to do an activity and my boyfriend who takes care of him most of the time (he works nights) HAS to get out with him (I understand he can be a very demanding little boy). So it's not possible to wait an hour between bottle and solids (I want to try when I'm at home I work 3.5 days per week).

Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 21:01:04 pm »
It is possible to take your fruit/veggie purees out with you in a little pot so ds can still have them a bit after his milk feed sitting in his buggy - or you could try just taking some sticks of celery/apple/carrot for him to gnaw on to get the taste and to practise biting and chewing even if he doesn't swallow much to begin with.

At home, don't rush introducing solids, it's all about exploring the taste and texture foods to begin with, rather than getting them to eat, they work it out for themselves in the end whether you give purees or finger foods or a mixture of both. My dd has about 6x 150ml bfs in 24 hours (2x EBM in a bottle) which is plenty, and a mix of mashed and whole foods - she's quite confident with eating and moving food about her mouth now after 2 months of practising, and will try (altho' doesn't always like) anything you put infront of her.

Make it a relaxed and fun process and you'll both enjoy it more!

Alison x

Offline marijke

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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 18:11:11 pm »
Today he only took 2 90 ml bottles but ate all the fruits and veggies... I know that's not how it should be but he really doesn't like the bottle that much... I guess as long as he's happy it's ok this way, we'll keep trying to get him to take more from the bottle.


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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2007, 20:57:13 pm »
Riley ever took to the bottle eitherat that age. I would agree with what Alison said about maybe having your boyfriend bring out the food with him. Also, you could try mixing some milk in with his food to try to up the ounces that way if you are concerned about milk intake. What is in the bottle, ebm or formula?

Also, if you are open to feeding on cue in the evenings while you are together, he should get plenty of milk. Does he sleep through without feedings?

Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2007, 21:09:11 pm »
There is some great support for breastfeeding working mums in the Working Mum's bit of the You bit of this site too! Hints and tips on how to help your los when you're not there.

Someone advised me much the same as Binxyboo suggests, that if ds doesn't want to take EBM or formula in a bottle from someone while you're at work, as long as he's getting some cooled boiled water, maybe in a sippy cup, so he doesn't dehydrate in the day, he can get all the milk he needs from you before and after work!

Alison x

Offline marijke

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Re: not sure what to do
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2007, 12:59:09 pm »
I give formula in the bottle because it's impossible to pump where I work  :-\ 
Today I put some milk in his fruits and he took around 150 ml in total.
I  didn't know I could bf him as much as he wants in the evening, I give him a bf at around 6.30 and 10.30 in the evening. And of course at 7 in the morning. Should I give him more? He doesn't sleep through at night, wakes several times (1 time if I'm very lucky) but I don't feed him (he's not hungry because he takes his paci and goes right back to sleep, and if I feed him at night he's not hungry in the morning so I stopped doing this some time ago).
We went to the ped today and he gained 600 g since last visit and she said that's very good at his age, so I guess he's getting everything he needs! At least I hope so! Thanks for the advice!!!