Hi there
7:00am wake up - feed
7:15-8:00am activity while mum has a shower etc
8:00am showing signs of sleepiness... wind down and then bed (in cot awake and falls asleep by aboy 8:20ish)
8:45am Try to stir
9:00am awake and screaming... shu pat until calm and soothing by rubbing head.
9:15-9:20 starting to drop off
9:20-9:40 some mantra crying, crying, shuh pat etc until finally falls asleep
10:00am wake and feed
10:15-11:00am activity - includes dressing etc, earlier if tired sometimes 10:30/10:45... wind down and then in cot awake, usually drops off around 11:00-11:15. Sometimes cries a little here.
11:30 or so (25mins after fallen to sleep) try to stir, eyes pop open and starts to yell. Settle takes 20-30mins before off to sleep again.
13:00 wake and feed,
13:15-14:00 Activity
14:00-14:30 wind down (cry always), awake in cot.. bed
15:00 - awake screaming
15:20-15:30 Asleep
16:00 - feed
16:15-17:00 activity
17:00-17:30/45 sleep
17:45-18:30 Activity
18:30 bath/ wind down
19:00 feed/ story
19:15-30 bed
22:00 dreamfeed, usually around 20z only
01:00ish sometimes wakes hungry... not always
05:00ish wakes for feed
then it all starts again!
in cot... can self soothe, no paci but sucks fists
swaddled until recently (one week) and now in sleeping bag
no blackout curtains?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!