Hi there Dree, well.... we have just had the week from hell. Thought he was getting better but i was fooled!! poor little man was awful, kept waking through the night screaming because he couldn't breathe and obviously felt bloody awful... we both got little sleep and AP kicked in and he slept with me for 3 whole nights....
...but, he's better now and i just love it!! i felt so utterly helpless and i'm a kid's nurse but just couldn't do anything to make it go away....!! anyhow, i still feel so sleep deprived at the moment but funnily enough he's dropped the df and only waking the once for a night feed........this is all trivial info but it's nice to 'chat' about it!!
...he's sleeping until 0700ish in the morning so hopefully we've gained something good from such horrible time.....thanks for thinking of us, hope you and your little sofia are ok...
Debbie and the very well, very smiley and very beautiful Finlay!!