Hi ladies,
As some of you might know, we just got back from vacation in CO which is a 2 hr time difference from us. And we've got problems like you wouldn't beleive!
It all started out last Saturday (daylight savings day) when DS came down with a cold. He woke in the night coughing several times, and needed me to settle him B2S. Then the night before our flight, he woke up starting at 9:30 every 30 minutes, and I ended up taking a pillow and blanket to his room because we had to get up at 3:30 am to get to our flight.
He did remarkably well on the flight and took 2 good naps on the planes, then took another long nap once we got there. Went to bed without a fuss in the pack and play, but was def. coughing.
We were all in one room, and he woke in the middle of the night, several times, crying, hard...since we were staying at someone's house, and they have small kids of their own, we ended up brining him to the bed to settle him down so as not to wake the whole house - not to mention we were EXHAUSTED from the night before...and the cross-country trip.
The next few nights of our trip played out pretty much the same, but maybe a bit worse, with the AP spiraling out of control...bottles, rocking, co-sleeping, you name it, we did it out of desparation. We even gave him benadryl one night just to get some decent sleep. Through all of this though, he took great 2 hour naps and went to bed wihtout a fuss.
So yesterday, we flew home and he took a beautiful 2.5 hour nap on the plane...but then the last leg of our flight was LATE...took off at 9:45 local time which was 7:45 according to his clock...and he would not settle to sleep. So he was up...and crying the whole flight. Long story short, by the time we were in the car, and he was able to fall asleep, it was after midnight. I put him in bed (asleep) at about 1am and he slept like a log till 6am (4am) when he woke and was FREAKING out. I did PD for about 30 minutes before I gave up and gave him a bottle and brought him to bed, where he went B2S immediately and slept until 8 (6)
I had to work today (useless as I am...) and need some thoughts on where to start with undoing the mess we;ve made.
DS is not a good sleeper and never was really, but just before this happened, he had been doing GREAT - sleeping 11 hours a night for about 2 weeks straight, the longest he's gone wihtout trouble in months and months....
Sorry if I'm rambling, but I'm freaking beat!!!
Any help would be much appreciated!