My LO turned 6 months last week.She had been doing 4 hour EASY with no problems,nice long naps..1 hour in am,then 1 1/2 to 2 hours in afternoon and 1/2 hour catnap.Now she is refusing to have her catnap,I put her down for it and she'll either just lay awake in her cot chatting or she'll get upset because she doesn't want to go down,so I get her up again and start her bedtime routine early,which she has no problem with,although obviously gets tired towards the end of her bedtime routine.Is it usual for a 6 month old to drop the catnap already.She has also started having 40 minute naps again,she can do 2 1/2 hours 'A' time,is it time to extend the 'A' time again.She is taking longer to put down,think I maybe starting the winddown too early,it's hard to judge sometimes.I put her down either at the first or second yawn or when she's really rubbing her eyes and moaning.She doesn't always yawn,which makes it hard to judge whether she is tired enough sometimes.When she does wake up after 40 mins,she is usually chatty and awake,but then after an hour is getting tired again,so i've taken her for a walk,and she goes back off to sleep for 30 mins or so.It seems she just keeps wanting to stay wake longer,it's hard to keep up with her sometimes.Any advice much appreciated.