I have been reading these boards for awhile now and find them so helpful. Now my 17mo is having problems sleeping, I have read so much I am confused. I need some help getting things into perspective.
Jasmine has always been an angel baby and slept really well in general. Now she resists sleep and it takes at least an hour to get her quiet. We usually need to sit with her and sometimes rub her back, but if she's really up set forget it, she wants out. That little voice saying 'up, up' could sound cute if I weren't so tired lol!
I am trying to introduce a security blankie or toy but she hasn't taken to it yet.
She then may wake an hour or two later and is really upset and hard to settle, also during the night she wakes several times.
This week she hasn't been hysterical like last week but she still wakes up and doesn't want me to leave the room. I can see her big eyes in the dark watching my every movement!
Routine as follows:
wakes 7:30ish, has brekky
morning tea 9:30-10:00
lunch 12:00
Nap 1:00
Wakes around 2:30
Afternoon tea 2:30 - 3:00
Dinner 6:00
Bottle 7:00
Wind down, quiet activity, pjs, massage etc
Bed 7:30-8:00
She is predominantly an angel baby, very adaptable etc, but is also a bit spirited - she is very active during the day. Maybe that has something to do with it. Could be teething, maybe some accidental parenting thrown in.
Maybe she isn't getting enough sleep during the day but this is an improvement on past weeks - maybe cumulative overtiredness?
Should I put her to bed earlier? Later?
Thankyou everyone for reading!