Author Topic: 17 mo sleep problem - I am confused  (Read 721 times)

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Offline margesimpson

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17 mo sleep problem - I am confused
« on: March 20, 2007, 10:07:06 am »
I have been reading these boards for awhile now and find them so helpful. Now my 17mo is having problems sleeping, I have read so much I am confused. I need some help getting things into perspective.
Jasmine has always been an angel baby and slept really well in general. Now she resists sleep and it takes at least an hour to get her quiet. We usually need to sit with her and sometimes rub her back, but if she's really up set forget it, she wants out. That little voice saying 'up, up' could sound cute if I weren't so tired lol!
I am trying to introduce a security blankie or toy but she hasn't taken to it yet.
She then may wake an hour or two later and is really upset and hard to settle, also during the night she wakes several times.
This week she hasn't been hysterical like last week but she still wakes up and doesn't want me to leave the room. I can see her big eyes in the dark watching my every movement!
Routine as follows:
wakes 7:30ish, has brekky
morning tea 9:30-10:00
lunch 12:00
Nap 1:00
Wakes around 2:30
Afternoon tea 2:30 - 3:00
Dinner 6:00
Bottle 7:00
Wind down, quiet activity, pjs, massage etc
Bed 7:30-8:00
She is predominantly an angel baby, very adaptable etc, but is also a bit spirited - she is very active during the day. Maybe that has something to do with it. Could be teething, maybe some accidental parenting thrown in.
Maybe she isn't getting enough sleep during the day but this is an improvement on past weeks - maybe cumulative overtiredness?
Should I put her to bed earlier? Later?
Thankyou everyone for reading!

Offline Layla

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Re: 17 mo sleep problem - I am confused
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 00:52:49 am »
Hi there and welcome to the boards!!! ;D

Her routine looks really good. Is this the routine she is actually on or something that she used to be on before she was side-tracked??? Could be teething... have you tried giving her something for the pain. Teething usually takes about 3-4 days though. How long has she been resisting sleep? Has anything else hapened that could have caused the disturbance in sleep? Holidays, illness...?

Here's a link to sleep training for toddler's : -

What do you do at the moment when she's up? Do you actually pick her up/give her a bottle/rock her? Try to soothe her in her cot without any AP. I've only ever done wi/wo and it worked really well for us. But you need to chose a method which you are most comforable with and stick to it.

Let me know how it goes

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline margesimpson

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Re: 17 mo sleep problem - I am confused
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 02:32:49 am »
Hi Layla, the routine is her current routine. It may have been teething initially, I was giving her panadol and teething gel. I don't think it is that anymore, the cries are different and its been a couple of weeks. Maybe something I did when she was teething. Perhaps getting her up did it.
I was giving her a bottle but earlier this week I just got her up and put her down while she was having a tantrum. I said, 'When you calm down we can have a nice cuddle' She calmed down and jumped up into my arms, we had a quiet cuddle and I sang some lullabies. Put her back to bed and she rolled over and went straight to sleep :) So I don't give the bottle anymore.
The last few nights she has woken a few times but not hysterical so I could settle her in her cot. She slept really well last night, I only had to go in once, but she resisted sleep initially. She has also just got through the transition of 2-1 sleeps in the day - daytime naps are really good now. I am wondering if now that the daytime naps are on track she could be catching up on her sleep so things are gradually improving (fingers crossed)
I have done GW in the past for another sleep disruption - does it still work when they are hysterical or having a tantrum? I am worried that if I let her go on too long she will associate the cot as an unpleasant place to be?
Thanks so much for your input :)

Offline Layla

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Re: 17 mo sleep problem - I am confused
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2007, 10:51:21 am »
Sounds like she is doing well. If you do GW I don't think they cry or have tantrums because you are there and they calm down much faster. I am not really sure thou cause I've only ever done wi/wo with my toddler.

The fact that she is not having bottles is great!!!

Let me know how you go
Layla :-*

20/06/2012 - my angel baby