sorry you're having hard time with your LOs

I think you could aim for the routine below:
6.30 - wake up
7am - feed
8.30 - nap
9.30/10 - wake up
10.30 - feed
11:30-12 - nap
1/1:30pm - wake up
2pm - feed
3pm - solids.
4pm - catnap
4.45 - wake up
5:15 - feed [1/2 of his usual portion]
5.30 - you have dinner.
6:30 - feed [3/4 of ususal portion]
7pm - sleep
7.30pm - DD goes to bed. She screams and cries and then settles and talks for up to an hour!!! Sometimes she wakes DS who then takes 30 minutes or so to resettle! [
what is her bedtime routine?]
10:30 - DF
4am wake up- try NOT feeding him, give him sth to drink [water, herbal tea, dilluted milk but very dilluted] and pat/shush him back to sleep.
does he take paci? how much formula do you give him at one feed? what kind of solids have you started giving him?
I suggest you reintroduce DF and do not feed him at 1am if he wakes up. drink, paci, pat/shush back to sleep. he is a big boy and he shouldn't be eating that often at night.