Author Topic: HELP Am I doing EASY Correctly???  (Read 926 times)

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Offline brandilee8299

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HELP Am I doing EASY Correctly???
« on: March 26, 2007, 23:36:34 pm »
My LO was 3 months last week.  We've been following EASY since she was 6 weeks old.  At that time she was already on a 4 hour feeing schedule so we allowed her to continue that way.  She is bottle fed and takes about 7 ounces at a time.  Here is her schedule

7-740: Wake and Eat
740-850: A
1-3: S
615: Bedtime Routine-bath, massage, books, eat
700: bed
1000: dreamfeed 4 ounces
Between 2-330: wake to eat about 4 ounces and goes right back to sleep

A couple questions I have are:
1.  How can we get her past that middle of the night feeding?  She has only ever once slept through it.  Does that mean she is capable of doing so?  We have tried to just rock her or pacifier her but nothing seems to work. She wants the bottle then.  Did we train her to take the bottle then or does she really need to eat?

2.  Last last several days she has been getting up early.  She will get up between 5-6 and begin eating 3-4 ounces then go back to sleep.  Then she awakes about 7 or 730 and finished the bottle.  How do we get her past this?  Again we tried letting her fuss it out for about 10 minutes, but she will get into a big cry, so we get her and feed her before then.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I am in much need of some sleep!!!  We are first time parents, are we doing EASY right??

Offline rebecaq

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Re: HELP Am I doing EASY Correctly???
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 18:34:43 pm »
Hi Brandilee, welcome to the boards!  ;D

Her routine looks good to me  ;)  How much is she taking at each feed?  She may be going through a growth spurt and needing more calories for a few days. 

A good technique for trying to eliminate the middle of the night fee is to replace the ounces she drinking then during the day. For example, she's taking 4, so for a few days give her 3 and add an ounce to a daytime bottle. After a few days, give her 2 at night then add an ounce to two other bottles during the day. And so on.


- Beca
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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Offline brandilee8299

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Re: HELP Am I doing EASY Correctly???
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 23:33:40 pm »
Thanks for the reply.  I will try adding on to her daytime feedings.  However, I have just upped all of her daytime feedings (4) from 6oz. to 7 oz.  I just did this on Sunday.  She is still taking the night time bottles though.  I thought that would help, but it didn't.  Is there a chance that the waking up is just habit.  I am so unsure because she does take so much during the night that I can't imagine that it is all habit, but who knows.  I feel like I will finally get it figured out and she will start teething so we will be up for that.

Offline rebecaq

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Re: HELP Am I doing EASY Correctly???
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 13:06:09 pm »

Does she wake at the same time everynight? If so then if may definitely be habit. Try cutting down that night feed ounce by ounce until it's gone and see how she does with her feeds during the day. Be patient hun, this will take a few days. But I'm here for ya  :-*

- Beca
Beca - Momma of two Mini Dudes ;D
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