Thank you so much Lisa and Layla!
Jakob got the all clear at the dr so no ear infection
He slept well at daycare and went down happily tonight.............what does tonight hold in store??....who knows really
PLay it by ear I guess.
I too hold that motto "it too shall pass" BUT some days i cant see thru the haze of tiredness to remember that!! Especially now im on very strong painkillers for my dental work and all i want to do is sleep!!!
It could well have just been overtiredness. We shall see tonight if thats what it was.IF its another bad night then its something else,like a cold or teeth etc.
When Jakob was little we were going through a really rough time as we waited for a specialist appt for his reflux. He wouldnt sleep at all in the day and nights werent much better. I distinctly remember my mum telling me when he was 6 weeks old..."it all gets better by the time they hit 12 weeks dont worry".............
OK .....HELLOO!!!!!!!! Jakob is 20 months and im STILL waiting!!!!
Of course im at the other end of the day now so im not so depressed. First thing in the morning after a rough night is the worst,then
you kind of get on with it..IYKWIM?
Thanks for helping me with your advice and hugs..........i used to post on the support thread for sleep issues with toddlers but that was up to 19 months and we are passed that!!
Thank you again all advice welcomed and appreciated.