Author Topic: What to do if last nap means too much time before bed?  (Read 1043 times)

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Offline Aly Mac

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What to do if last nap means too much time before bed?
« on: March 29, 2007, 06:08:09 am »
Now that Lilly stays awake longer, her schedule is all out of whack.  While she stays awake longer (sometimes 2hrs+) she is still only sleeping for 45mins or 1hr max.  This means that her 3rd nap ends around 4pm and she normally goes to bed at 6.30. (prev she was having 4naps as only stay awake 1 and half hour max) This is too long before bed, so ends up cranky and doesn't go to sleep or sleep well, or if I put her to bed early, she wakes after 45min and then takes ages to settle and seems restless all night.

Routine last few days as follows:

Awake - 7am
E 7:15
S 8:30-9.30
E 10:30/11
S 12 - 1
E 2:30
S 3-4
this is where I get confused.  Our usual routine, no matter what the rest of the day looks like is usually this
E 4:15
Bath 5:30
Bed windown
E 6:15
S 6:45

the reason I do E at 4:15 then 6:15 is that I don't DF - never worked for us and doesn't make a diff with her sleep so this way I ensure she gets enough calories.  Technically on 4hr easy, but sometimes she is hungry or it will interfer with nap so I feed her before.

If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.  Or is extend naps the ony option? I have managed to get her to an hour from 45 this week and am still working on it.  Very hard as she wakes up happy as Larry! 


Offline AnnaBenwell

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Re: What to do if last nap means too much time before bed?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 08:53:18 am »
I was just thinking maybe you could keep her up for say 5 minutes longer in the morning as she is only having an hour and a half wake time. I'm no expert but this helped me to get a better nap in the morning. Its good that she is waking happy. Mine is always grumpy after a 45minute nap. All babies are different i suppose! Anna
Mum 2 three Boys Jack, Sam and Harry

Offline Aly Mac

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Re: What to do if last nap means too much time before bed?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 08:55:01 am »
Yeh I was thinking of that.  She just can't last as long in the morning, but then we are pretty low key.  Maybe if I just take her for a walk around the garden etc, that would help.


Offline AnnaBenwell

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Re: What to do if last nap means too much time before bed?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 08:57:05 am »
If she is tired then you really need to get her to bed! Ah naps are a nightmare, Hope things get better for you. Must say if i walked my little 1 around the garden he would go straight of to sleep if he was tired! Anna x
Mum 2 three Boys Jack, Sam and Harry

Offline Aly Mac

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Re: What to do if last nap means too much time before bed?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 09:59:44 am »
Yeh it's only a distraction for a couple of minutes..... I haven't found the magic remedy for extending A time without her going into meltdown!