Author Topic: 21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??  (Read 1274 times)

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21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??
« on: March 29, 2007, 09:42:15 am »
Don't think Ive ever posted on here before so hello to you all!!

Tomorrow we are off to Tenerife for a week, as much as I'm looking forward to it I am dreading the flight!! I have a very spirited little boy who likes to be very active!! The plan is (Ha ha ha) that he gets a good nights sleep tonight, we will leave at 7am and I hope that he will stay awake for most of the 2 hour car journey and then be tired for the flight at 11.30 or shortly after!! So he'll hopefully sleep half the journey although this will be awkward as he doesn't have his own seat!!!

I'm trying to think of things that will interest him that I can take that are also compact!!  He loves animals, little people figures, little cars and little building bricks! All of which I can take, he also loves naming the people in his family (nanny, grampy etc) so I have a pile of photos to take... and he also loves singing and books so I can sing (quietly!) for a short while!

I cant help but think that this isn't going to keep him occupied for long especially if he doesn't sleep as planned!!!

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!!! TIA xxxxx

Offline Shellha

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Re: 21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 09:48:29 am »
You will be FINE! I have found that my DS sleeps better than anywhere on a plane - must be the white noise!

It is only 4 hours, which after take off and landing (which will be very exciting for him) and food service etc will be whittled down to nothing.

Try to get a window seat so that you can look out the window at all the scenery, and they will usually give you something to keep for the LO to play with whether it be a toy/colouring in etc.

You will probably find that it is all so exciting for him that you won't need to do too much entertaining (my DS is also extremely spirited and we have done the flight from UK to Oz twice now and survived ;-) ) - and there are always the toilets to check out, have a walk up and own the aisles, look out the rear windows near the exits etc etc.

Enjoy your holiday and don't let the thought of the flight cloud the excitement of your trip - you will be fine ;-)

Offline **Clare**

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Re: 21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 10:04:26 am »
Aw thanks Shellha, thats really reassuring!! We took him on the same flight at 10 months and he was a little star!! Now all he seems to do is throw tantrums!!  We also ahve an almost 7 year old to keep entertained, which isnt half as hard, but he gets quite travel sick so Im also dreading that, bless him!!

Thanks for the tips, he'd definately be interested in the toilets!! And looking out the windows!! xxxxxxxxxx

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Re: 21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 10:34:06 am »
we have a spirtited traveller too. whereas my angel preschooler can sit and do stickers etc for hours on a plane Liv is active so what worked for us was letting her walk laps around the plane.  everyone got to know her and she did this from 11 mo when she was just starting to walk and more recently at 20 mo old. she walks and we follow and she will stop and chatter /smile / nosy parker her way into everyone's business and i tell you everyone liked it - it does help that she is an adorable kid with curly hair that gets her attention everywhere - she is a little "ham" so it is like a show for other passengers.  we stopped and looked out the back windows too.

other things that worked well - snacks, books, travel magna doodle,  coloured pencils and paper, a sticker activity book to do with us, deck of cards (they make their own fun).

don't count on the sleep and just take it as a bonus if he sleeps on the flight.  you know these spirited ones can push through if necessary as long as they have something to watch or do.  if he does not sleep during the flight you can bet he will crash as soon as you get off  ;)  On our return from the cook islands in october liv only slept 1 hr over the course of travelling ALL day (from rising at 6am to leave until we landed in sydney 2 x 5 hr flights + 1 layover in New Zealand later...) and we got settled in a taxi to go home and she was asleep 2 min into that car ride  ;D

enjoy your holiday!!
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Re: 21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 11:49:14 am »
Thanks Deb!

Harvey is also an adorable little boy, aren't these spirited ones always cute?!! He loves greeting people with a very loud 'HIYA!' Which usually follows a load of goboldy gook and lots of hand gestures and facial expressions!! Its very funny!!

He likes sticker so that would be a great idea, ill take something he can stick them on to or he'll be parading around the plane giving everybody one!!

Thanks for the advice xxxx

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Re: 21 months + 4 hour flight = stressed out Mummy!! Any ideas??
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 14:39:49 pm »
Here's a sticky about travel:

We've always done really well on planes here, I'm sure you'll be fine :)