My 2nd ds was seven weeks old yesterday and today we have started E.A.S.Y.
I know that in the book it says not to allow children to nap in the pram and I presume this applies to the car seat too.
My problem is that I am never in! I can't be putting him down to nap in a crib as every day of the week, morning and afternoon, we are off to one playgroup or another, going shopping, or meeting friends. Add to that taking ds1 to nursery school in the car, and at weekends going off to play areas or to visit relatives in the car - we are hardly ever at home. Basically in the week he spends half the day in his pram, as I don't drive and we go about on foot, and at the weekend Daddy's home, so he naps in his car seat.
I just don't see how this is compatible with E.A.S.Y. Please help!