Author Topic: I have no idea what our bottle/sippy cup schedule should be!  (Read 1019 times)

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Offline MGardner

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I have no idea what our bottle/sippy cup schedule should be!
« on: April 16, 2007, 12:42:15 pm »
My son is 1 year old. My doctor said to move to a sippy cup instead of bottles now. Currently this is his schedule (although he is also moving from 2 naps to 1 on his own)
7am wake and 6oz bottle
8am breakfast and sippy of water/juice
10am-12p nap
12p bottle 6oz
12:30 lunch and sippy of water or juice
3p bottle 4-6oz
3:30-5 nap (sometimes no nap and just talks to himself or cries and we forget the nap)
5p dinner with sippy of water or juice
7p 8oz bottle then bed

We are also mixing in some whole milk with his formula now to wean him into whole milk. Anyways, lots of changes...
So this morning I tried giving a sippy cup instead of his first bottle. He screamed and cried and i gave up and gave a bottle. I thought since he is so hungry at this first bottle that he would drink out of anything...guess not.
So i'm really confused at how to do this or if it is too soon or what. Please give me some advice or step by step guidelines of how I can move to a sippy and also move to milk...thanks

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Re: I have no idea what our bottle/sippy cup schedule should be!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 12:52:57 pm »
i would say don't worry what the doctor is saying, we went from bfing to poptop and have not really moved on since, she is more than 2 1/2 years

sort the 2 2 1 nap out first, offer the sippy at different times, i will happen, it will, take one feed at a time, don't stress, sippy doesn't happen overnight

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Re: I have no idea what our bottle/sippy cup schedule should be!
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 19:10:08 pm »
I agree with the PP, I would not worry too much about trying to get your lo to take a sippy just yet.

If you want to try to wean, you can keep your bottles where they are and start offering milk in a sippy with meals.  Once he has started taking the milk in the sippy at meals you can then slowly but surely look at weaning the bottles.


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Re: I have no idea what our bottle/sippy cup schedule should be!
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 13:51:25 pm »
Hi MGradner,
I have no really strong advice about the sippy cup thing other than to post our routine in an attempt to help with when to drink. Ds had no trouble with the cup transition so it all happened a bit fast. He's only on one bottle now and clinging onto it for dear life. He's 11 months next week.
7am 2-3oz milk on cereal, 2-3 oz from a cup
10 am nap
11:45 dinner with water from a cup try food first to take egde off hunger and after a few spoons try alternate food, cup, food, etc
1:45pm 3-4oz from cup
2:15pm nap
4:45pm tea with water from cup
7pm 8oz bottle

On days that he doesn't take the full amount of milk we offer yoghurt and cheese as snacks or finger foods with meals.
Hope this helps some