Author Topic: Super long night sleeps at 8wks - normal ?  (Read 776 times)

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Offline Spencer's Mum

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Super long night sleeps at 8wks - normal ?
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:18:45 pm »
Just wondering . . .we put our little man down between 7:30pm/8pm and the past couple of nights he is sleeping through quite a bit.  He is generally on a 3hr EASY during the day, has a fussy session from about 5-7pm which can involve a few top up feeds.  But Thursday night he slept til 2:30am before waking for his first feed, then Friday night til 4:45am, then last night he woke at 3:30am.  Is this possibly because he's not getting enough sleep during the day ?  He does go down for his naps during the day, but we are lucky if he is asleep for 45min/1hr.  He tends to wake after that and we can't send him off again, without picking him up, but that doesn't work often either (but we are working on it !!!)

And . . . is there anyway of knowing if he's getting enough from his feeds ?  He's been breastfed and has always been a guzzler, so will go about 8 minutes one side, nod off, we wake him by winding him, put him on the other side and the same again.  Should I then try to put him back on again ?  Today he's been wanting to be fed about every 2hrs ?  Surely we can't be going through another growth spurt ?  He also tends to be a bit of an 'animal' at times when feeding . . . he shakes his head from side to side and can clamp down and will almost spit me out !!!!  :P

Thanks heaps,


Offline donna_issabella

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Re: Super long night sleeps at 8wks - normal ?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 12:35:39 pm »
ROFL, Henry did EXACTLY the same!!! Hubby was amazed at the craziness ds would get up to prior to feeding. Henry was feeding about 10 minutes in total every 4 hours at 8 weeks and gaining plenty of weight. As long as he is gaining, don't worry. Also, it sounds like he is making sure that he gets enough in the day, which might be why he is giving you long stretches to sleep in the night time. Is he still having plenty of wet and dirty nappies? That is a good way of also ensuring that he is getting enough.

Many - if not ALL - women would tell you that mostly sleep begets sleep, and if he was sleeping too little in the day time, he would rather have night wakings than sleep so well.

When he wakes in the daytime after his short naps, is he cranky/grumpy or is he full of beans and playful? (difficult to tell probably with a 8 week old, right?)

Is he properly awake? Or does he seem dazed and confused? If he is awake in the day and alert, that at least rules out an infection which might be making him drowsy at night to sleep so long.

  He is generally on a 3hr EASY during the day, has a fussy session from about 5-7pm which can involve a few top up feeds. 

That sounds like he is cluster feeding, which probably is contributing to him sleeping well and long stretches at night. He is ensuring that he is getting his required calories, which sees him through the night.

Sounds like you are doing well!! 

I never exactly knew when all the growth spurts were, but I recall my hubby always laughing at me as i almost every second day said I think he was having a growth spurt!!  :D  ;)

AS long as he is happy, pooh-ing and p-ing and sleeping, you are doing GREAT IMHO.



Offline Spencer's Mum

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Re: Super long night sleeps at 8wks - normal ?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 14:26:51 pm »
Not that we're complaining about the long sleeps at night - we're loving it !!!  My hubby is on leave at the moment, so we are taking turns at getting up during the night, and he was really worried he had missed his slot cause the little man didn't wake !!! :-)

Nappys are all good - and yep, he does plenty of wet ones, and always has a nice pooey one for us in the afternoon :-)

As for when he wakes up . . .it's usually a grizzle, which I think is cause he hasn't slept the right amount.  I have seen him when he gets some good zzzzzzzz in and it's all smiles.  So I think we'll just work on getting the right about of nap time during the day so he wakes up in smiles . . . we just went for a super duper long walk and he slept right through - always does in his sling.

Thanks heaps for you advice / help !!!
