The following has happened the past two nights and DH and I aren't sure how we should be handling it
This is my sons schedule. We pretty much follow it to a T give a half hour here or there
7- 10 am awake
10- 11:30 sleep
11:30-2:30 awake
2:30- 3:30 sleep
3:30-7:30 awake
he does really well with this schedule. Sometimes he wakes early for a bottle, between 4-5, eats and goes back to sleep till 7. sometimes he'll sleep straight through and other time he sleeps from 7:30 pm to about 6am and we just start our day there. It varies
but here is a new one
two nights ago, at 3am I here him stirring. He wasn't crying just a scream here and there and then i'd here him talk to himself. This went on for about 20 min. and then I could tell he was getting frustrated. About 20 min. from first hearing him he was all out in a cry. I went in and he had wedged his head at the top corner of the crib. I could see that was what was stopping him from sleeping. So I moved him back to the middle, put his blanket over him and walked out. He immediately started hysterical crying. So went back in and did ssshh/pat. He right away calmed down but wasn't going to sleep. Would just stare at me or the walls. After about 10 min. I said goodnight as he wasn't crying but wasn't falling asleep either. The minute i walked out of the room, hysterical again. Back in. We did this for an hour. At 4am, i said enough. I was tired and we were getting no where. everytime i left he cried, i walked back in he stopped and was fine
from 4-4:25 he was hysterical. I NEVER do CIO. I hate it. but i didn't know what to do. am I promoting some behavior?? at 4:25 I went back in and by 4;45 he was back out. Slept till 7am. so he was up for 2 hours.
Last night he went to bed at 7:30 and at 5am again I hear him. I went in and for 30 min. again the crying when i left fine when i was there. I walked out and told DH to go in. Maybe DS was playing with me but would be different with DH. Nope, 20 min. of the same thing. fine when we are there, hysterical when we leave. After 20 min. i told DH to let him cry. He cried for 15 min. and again wasn't calming down. Went in and did ssh/pat for 10 min. and he was out. But this time he really didn't fall back asleep and at 6:30 he was up for the day
Not sure how to handle this. He goes down for naps and bedtime by himself. Sometimes with a minute or two of shh/pat but other than that, no problems. He isn't hungry when he wakes because if he is hungry, he doesn't stop crying and the fact that he stops when we come in, tells me he is fine
Any suggestions on how we should handle this. He isn't teething. again no signs of pain or discomfort in any way. Just lays there and stares when we do shh.pat and cries when we leave