Hello Layla and Mari,
Just a quick question about WI/WO and GW. Since we cold turkeyed the dummy in Dec, DS will not go to sleep alone - I have become his dummy!
Sometimes, he lies down straight away and I just pat or rub his back and ssh and after 15 mins or so he'll go off. Incidentally, I have to do this in the night as he is still waking 2-3 times (always between 12 - 2am) and I wondered if I managed with GW to stop patting, rubbing or sshhing he may go back to sleep by himself in the night?
However, on the nights when he doesn't lie down and stay down (sounds like dog training!!) and he stands up and laughs - what should I do then? Should I use WI/WO?
Any advice and tips would be great - you have been SO helpful and SO right about everything in the past! When I think of the sleep problems we had and the vast improvement we've had - it's a miracle.That's why I'm SO determined to make DS go to sleep alone and stay asleep - it's not being too ambitious is it?
Thanks again,