Author Topic: 2Y.O. now in our bed after a sick spell, won't go back to her own - help!  (Read 1165 times)

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Offline sagermom

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  • Hayley 2 yrs.
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Hi, I'm new here.  My daughter was on a PERFECT schedule, sleeping through the night since 3 mos. old, and sleeping in her own room since 6 mos.  In December, she was really sick for a week and we had her in our bed.  The same week she got better, we had really bad winds and her room was so loud, we decided to wait another week.  Well, routine went out the window.  It's now 4 mos later and she's in our bed and I've tried EVERYTHING.  I put her mattress inside her popup playhouse, which she loves, and she'll nap in there, but come bedtime, she runs for our bed and if we even mention her room she starts crying.  I love having her in our bed, but we haven't had a full night's sleep since she entered it.  Any suggestions?

Mom to Hayley b. 2/18/05 and my angel Sydney b.d. 2/18/05

Offline Samuel's mum

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How verbal is she? Would she respond to reward charts and discussion?

Or as intermediate steps - a mattress on the floor for her in your room with the suggestion she try really hard not to wake you up? Or even you sleep in her room on a mattress on a the floor to get her back in her room? Do you think she was frightened by the winds - maybe she still has an association with that?
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Offline sagermom

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  • Hayley 2 yrs.
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Hi Emma,  She's talking a lot, and she definitely understands discipline, so she knows what I'm saying when I talk about sleeping in her room.  I've tried to sleep in there with her, but the minute I lie down, she gets up and runs to our room!  I just can't drag her back kicking and screaming, tried that one night and it about killed me.

I think the wind definitely scared her, it's LOUD.  So I suggested to my husband we let her sleep with us until she's old enough to understand the wind, and sleeping on her own.  I know there are people that let their kids sleep with them a long time, and like I said I do love having her in there, but it's also interfering with 'personal' time with my husband, which he's being very good about, but I don't want this to become another year scenario.  My friend suggested to me charts, rewards too, but her daughter was 3 when they started that, maybe Hayley is just too young. 


Mom to Hayley b. 2/18/05 and my angel Sydney b.d. 2/18/05

Mom to Hayley b. 2/18/05 and my angel Sydney b.d. 2/18/05