ds#2 is 4 months old...I've been trying off and on since 2 months, and persistently for the last 2 weeks, to get him to take a bottle with no luck. I'm not willing (yet) to just let him go hungry until he takes it, but I've tried pretty well everything else. He just pushes the bottle out of his mouth with his tongue. I'm wondering if it's that reflex that's causing him to reject the bottle (I can't remember the medical name for it, but it's the reason you can't give a baby who's too young solid food, because they just push it back out of their mouths).
I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with a baby who previously wouldn't take a bottle, but then suddenly would once they were taking solids too?
Just looking for a little hope here...I'm beginning to feel like I'm never going to get a few hours that are baby-free.