Author Topic: 16mth old - Is this regression?!?  (Read 1124 times)

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Offline tiki_mama

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16mth old - Is this regression?!?
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:11:54 am »
God, it's been ages since I posted here! So glad to be back in familiar surroundings though  ;) daughter's just turned 16months. In about February we kind of accidentally moved to 1 nap days, basically cause she had a playgroup from 9.30-11.30 on a Tuesday. She would crash out for almost 3 hours afterwards so i started pushing her awake times the other days and she seemed to make the switch without many problems.

In the past 2 weeks however she's been taking a long time to settle at night (crying for upto 2 hours sometimes!) and her wake up times are getting earlier and earlier. Most days she's awake around 4.50/5.00!!  :-\ We try to resettle her using WI/WO and it's so obvious she's not ready to get up, but she's inconsolable  :-[

Obviously this has a knock on effect on her naps, but she's still been doing 1 long nap and then an early bedtime. I have a horrible feeling she's just so completely overtired (even though she doesn't show it)  that things are just getting out of hand and every day it's just getting worse  :-\

Today she woke just before 5 and has been so sleepy all morning that I just put her back to bed (with no complaints) at 8.50!! I plan on only letting her sleep for about 40mins and trying for a longer nap later, but it's just so hard cause I'm worried she'll resist a nap later and then her only nap will have finished around 9.30!!! We've been 'sleep training' Ruby on and off since she was 2 weeks old, and avoid AP, so we're no strangers to hard work. What does everyone think?!

p.s. my ticker's wrong, just incase you were confused about her time to change it at the moment!mlol
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 08:16:01 am by tiki_nightmare »

Offline Layla

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Re: 16mth old - Is this regression?!?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 08:43:57 am »
Hi there. Could you please post your dd's routine. What time is the nap, how long & bedtime


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Offline tiki_mama

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Re: 16mth old - Is this regression?!?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 08:51:19 am »
sorry, meant to do that...went to wake DD up  :P

typically her schedule is...

Awake about 5.30
nap 11.30 (1.5hrs-2.5hrs ususally)
sleep 6-6.30

I realise her activity times seem really long, but she seems pretty happy and doesn't get grumpy and she goes down for her nap no problem at all. I just wonder if it's just built up and up and now her night sleep is suffering

Offline Layla

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Re: 16mth old - Is this regression?!?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2007, 03:40:38 am »
How did the day go? Did she end up taking an afternoon nap?

Do you think she could be teething as well. Her overall sleep based on the schedule seems right - total 13hrs or so in a day. You could try giving her 2 nap on the day she wakes up really early and can't go back to sleep although by about 18months this was not an option for us so I would keep mine awake till at least 11.30 and have her go to bed earlier for the night. Has anything else happen in the last couple of weeks that could have thrown her off schedule? Cold/illness?

Does she start crying as she wakes up that early in the morning or is she just up talking/playing???

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Offline tiki_mama

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Re: 16mth old - Is this regression?!?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2007, 17:47:11 pm »
Yesterday she had a 40 minute nap in her cot until 9.30ish and then another nap in the car at about 1.30 for about 1.5hrs, and her sleep last night was the best for ages! She went down within 20 minutes and slept all night until 5.45am (which is great compared to the past few days!) The main thing was she got almost 11hours unbroken sleep, which is brilliant.

Today she's had roughly the same type of day, and weve just put her down (6.45pm) and she's screaming like a banshee!  :-[ My DH is up there at the moment trying to calm her. She wakes up from almost every sleep upset I'm afraid, especially in the morning. She's not babbled and chatted for ages and it's quite upsetting as you need to get up and attend to her straight away and she always wants out the cot.

I believe she is teething too. I mean they all are up until about 2 right? I just don't think that's all it is as her 4 premolars came in last month and she wasn't this bad. Are the next teeth worse?!

We did go on holiday for about 4 nights recently and she had bad nights due to lots of family being there, travel cot etc and I don't think that helped. I will try to combine 1 and 2 nap days and see how she goes. She's got quit a short fuse just now too, but I'm not sire if that's just a side effect of the tiredness  :-\

Offline Layla

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Re: 16mth old - Is this regression?!?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2007, 20:46:52 pm »
Good idea - try 2 naps for a few days to let her catch up on sleep. I think the holiday may be the culprit here, causing overtiredness. She'll get back into routine just try not to use accidental parenting.

Let us know how it goes
« Last Edit: May 10, 2007, 10:04:06 am by Isabella&Jasmine's mum »

20/06/2012 - my angel baby