I have all the sympathy in the world with your situation! Xander is almost 22 mnths old and is also going through some really bad time with his teath at night. Needless to say, I have been suffering as well. This has been going on for the last 10 days.
My husband is not supportive with the whole wi/wo method and has unfortunately started offering him milk when he wakes at around 3am.
I am now struggling to get this habit broken, but unfortunately its the only way to comfort Xander when he wakes in such a state. He cries uncontrollably and doesn't want to be touched, picked up, left alone or anything else! I give him Nurofen before bedtime, but this doesn't seem to help much.
Is it normal for him to be fine during the day and then a complete different child at night??

He has had a bad runny nose for the last 4 days, but his daytime naps at around 12:30 - 2pm are still ok. Why at night does EVERYTHING change? My husband and I are so stressed with lack of sleep and I am worried that we are losing each other in the process....!
Xander has been a good sleeper up to now with the occasional night waking, please help!!?