Author Topic: heellllllllpppppp!!!!!!!!!  (Read 868 times)

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« on: May 04, 2007, 20:01:06 pm »
Hello all, DD turned 21 mos today and I'm exasperated. I'm posting here because part of the prob. is certainly about sleep. DD is a VERY bright (knows her letters already) outgoing happy gal. I still BF her on demand. I night weaned her 15 mos. At first she slept from 8pm to 6.30 am and started dropping the am nap. After about a month and a half she started waking earlier and earlier. Now from 5 to 5.30. At first I tried WI/WO and other methods to try to get her back to sleep. There was a lot of crying and it took a lot of time to add maybe 20 mins of sleep. About a month ago I gave up and started taking her back to our bed, nursing her so I could at least relax for another half hour. She is obviously not getting enough sleep. at 8 am goes down for a nap (only in car or BFing). She is not herself- has started sucking fingers (never has, nor had pacifier), is cranky, has slowed down acquiring new skills, language, growth. Fights like hell putting pjs on. I know part of it just the age, but.... Would like to start PTing her as she does not want diaper. Would like to move to big bed or at least take off crib bars so she won't get hurt, but feel like things are crazy now and don't know where to begin. Any help appreciated.

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Re: heellllllllpppppp!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 00:01:57 am »
Can you please post your schedule. How many naps, how long, etc....

What are your long term plans... do you want her to sleep with you or do you want her to sleep in the cot? Has she always fallen asleep at the breast? How does she go down at bedtime?

« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 00:13:09 am by Isabella&Jasmine's mum »

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Re: heellllllllpppppp!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 00:16:02 am »
Hi Sienna - I just posted something about our 21 mos old too.  He's having the same sleep problem and WI / WO doesn't seem to be working.  Unfortunately, I don't have any advice for you but I just wanted to let you know you're not alone.  If you find that magic formula, please let me know.