Joey is 11.5 months old. His schedule has been the same for some time. But for whatevver reason he's only sleeping 45 mins in the afternoon, and waking a bit earlier in the morning. This is our schedule.
6:30 wake (used to be 7:30)
10-11 (I wake him so he falls asleep early enough for second nap)
2:00-2:45 (used to be 4:00) second nap
7:30 bedtime
I really don't know what's going on. He goes down pretty quickly for the nap, so I don't think he's overtired, but wakes up SCREAMING at 2:45! I am pretty sure this nap is causing the earlier wake. Is it possible that he needs more A time so waking up earlier (but not giving me a problem falling asleep?) But then why is he waking screaming and not playing? I'm confused!